How do I Refresh the tooltip of a Tiddler Toolbar Button?


I have created a useful set of two buttons. Both are conditionally displayed but look the same;

  • If a tiddler does not have a touch-date field, a button appears in the Tiddler “more menu” to add the field.
  • If a tiddler does have a touch-date field, a button appears in the Tiddler “toolbar” to click to stamp touch-date with now.

Demo: just add any tiddler then see in more menu, to add, and toolbar menu to stamp.

touch-date-buttons.json (5.3 KB)

The Problem

Once stamped I want the touch buttons tootip to indicate the relative date last touched. However this is not refreshed. I see value in using a simple date field.

  • Removing $timestamp=no does not help
  • Navigating to current tiddler does not work
  • I expect if I close and navigate to the tiddler it will work but it will influence where the tiddler is open in the story. Can I access the position and reopen in the same position?
  • I would like to at a minimum show the days since last stamp, and update when restamped.

Can I find away to causing a tooltip to refresh each time? or is there a workaround?

Prior discussions;

  • Unfortunately no one answered my previous related question Simple tiddler refresh with trigger
  • In the past when people discuss “tiddler refresh” they do not refer to the view toolbar being refreshed.

*In the long term I will use this single touch-date to indicate (without changing modified) when I last attended to a given tiddler, then indicate it needs to be “touched” using a Period name, eg weekly, when not touched this week/today etc…

looks like no one is going to answer this one as well :frowning_face:

Even just a hint or workaround would be good.