How can I set the value of the template after selecting an entry and enter the editing state at the same time?

I create an entry that has the following in it. Then I go and choose a suitable template. Then set the content of this template to text for this tiddler, but then I want to go to the edit template for this tiddler, how can I do this with a button.

<$select tiddler='$:/state/button-templates' tooltip='Select the template to create'>

<$action-setfield $field="text" $value={{{ [[$:/state/button-templates]get[text]get[text]] }}}   />
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param=<<currentTiddler>> />
Confirm Add

The content in the template is some simple content with big this.

! What kind of problems were encountered?

! How to reproduce the problem?

! What should be the effect after the fix?

I’ve checked this thread, but I don’t want to create a form like that.

But the code I wrote, doesn’t get the content in the template, instead it clears it and then lets me edit it, why is that? Is there a good solution for this? Thanks.

<$select tiddler='$:/state/button-templates' tooltip='Select the template to create'>
<option value='$:/plugins/mabuqian/time-for-task/5w1h-templates'>{{$:/plugins/mabuqian/time-for-task/5w1h-templates!!caption}}</option>
<option value='$:/plugins/mabuqian/time-for-task/issue-templates'>{{$:/plugins/mabuqian/time-for-task/issue-templates!!caption}}</option>

<$action-setfield $field="text" $value={{{ [[$:/state/button-templates]get[text]get[text]] }}}   />
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-save-tiddler" $param=<<currentTiddler>> />
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-auto-save-wiki" />
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param=<<currentTiddler>> />
Confirm Add

I solved the problem. It turns out that you need to save the tiddler before going into edit.