Find common tag(s) in list from filter, a TiddlyWiki Challenge

A simple filter like [tag[$:/tags/SideBar]] will list all tiddlers with the tag $:/tags/SideBar and obviously we know every tiddler shares the tag $:/tags/SideBar. and maybe others.

<$set name=tiddler-list filter="[tag[$:/tags/SideBar]]">

  • This saves the list in a variable.

What if the filter were not [tag[$:/tags/SideBar]]?, but something else, and we were given the resulting list of tiddlers, what if we wanted to test if they all shared the same tag?

  • This seems to me a challenge, can you do it?

A solution to this would throw light on methods to do further “tag analysis” of an “arbitrary set of tiddlers”. Something which has being implied in a few questions of late. Such as building a cross references table.

  • Of course this could be extended to consider other field/list field values.