Feasibility of conducting English word [matching] elimination games on tiddlywiki

Dear friends

I have recorded a large number of English word roots and their corresponding Chinese meanings in Tiddlywiki. I want to use games to help me remember them painlessly, and to immerse myself in the process of memorizing English words by matching and eliminating them. Currently, my idea is that the title and main content of a Tiddler are one set of cards in this elimination game, and the entire interface has multiple sets of cards

Any answer would be greatly appreciated!


I don’t see an actual question to answer here. What is it you’re looking for from the community, pointers to existing tools, general guidance on steps required to do this, complete implementations? Something else?

I am curious about how to achieve this through the tiddlywiki syntax

So, in other words, you’re asking someone else to do this for you and supply the result? That seems unlikely. Perhaps you could try it yourself and ask more specific questions if you get stuck?

There’s no clue, do you have any inspiring ideas

It sounds to me like this is not really what we’d call an “elimination” game, but a matching game.

So, you’d want to fill the grid randomly with values from EnglishWord field and ChineseMeaning field, mostly taken as pairs from the same tiddlers (with perhaps some “red herring” values that don’t have a match displayed).

Then each cell in your grid would need to be a button. Clicking on one cell highlights it to shows that you’re selecting it as the first half of a match (and stores its name in some temp tiddler). Clicking on another cell shows that you’re selecting it as the other half of the match. Then you have an action to check whether the two represent a match. If so, remove them and add different words.

(You’d probably also want to shuffle the grid at that point. Assuming that most of the grid is filled with matching pairs, you don’t want the new matching pair to show up in exactly the same spot as the old one!)

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Setting aside the grid format (which brings formatting challenges which are beside the point), I was curious enough to make a simple demo of a matching self-quiz.

The idea is to make one list of titles at left, and another list of some attribute, but in randomized order, at right. For randomizing, I chose to use this package by @Yaisog : Filter operator to select random titles from the input

Allow user to click in either column first (and clicking same button a second time deselects the choice). Choices are stored in a temporary tiddler, and if the same value is clicked on both sides, celebrate the match, and remove the match from the list.

Here’s a relatively simple demo, matching people (at left) with year of birth (at right): Quick demo — showcasing…

For extra fun, why not use the new confetti plugin? :slight_smile: