Filter operator to select random titles from the input

Inspired by this request from @twMat, here is a filter operator to select a chosen number of random tiddlers from the input:
plugin_yaisog_choose-random-filter_v0.9.0_20230128.json (7.3 KB)

Check out the docs and examples in the plugin for more info.

Important Notice
The output of choose-random will change with each page refresh (see examples below). In order to e.g. display a random tiddler that does not change with every keystroke or mouse click, use an action widget to save a random tiddler title to a (temporary) tiddler and use that tiddler’s value. The action widget could be triggered by e.g. a startup action, a button click or even a timer (requires additional plugin). Refer to the Examples for, well, examples.

Have a nice day