Favorites Plugin: New Update 4.6.1

This is an update of Favorites Plugin to Tiddlywiki 5.2.3. It has several tiny fixes and few improvements. It uses some features of 5.2.3.

Before use, test Favorites on an empty TiddliWki
Before upgrading make sure, you have few backups of your Tiddlywiki.

Important Note

When you upgrade from version 4.5.0, 4.5.1, 4.5.2 to version 4.6.1 please read and use the First Aids tiddler.

You can star it, if you found it useful!


Beautiful work again @Mohammad I am so Jealous of your productivity, well documented and beautiful solutions.

  • The tools to organise into folders is wonderful and it would be nice if one day it can also accommodate URL bookmarks, or you make an independent solution.
  • Below is a quick hack POC
  • If you do decide to go ahead do connect because I have some powerful tools for urls.

You have structured your design so well I found I could modify $:/plugins/kookma/favorites/templates/item-link-btn to include a small macro “url-link” as follows;

<$link to={{!!title}} tooltip=<<currentTiddler>> class="kk-fav-item">
<$transclude field="caption">
<$view field="title" />
</$link> <<url-link>><br>

With a global macro defined as;

\define url-link() <$list filter="[all[current]has[url]get[url]]" variable=url>  <a href=<<url>> target=_blank>{{$:/core/images/link}}</a></$list>

So now if a favorited tiddle has the URL filed it is used to generate a link icon after the title that takes you to that url.

  • It would perhaps be better for url bookmarks, that clicking the title opened the url and a separate icon opened the url bookmark favorite.

Just some food for thought.

1 Like

Very nice!


I know you have developed a lot of solutions, I have a rather long list of your solutions in TW-Script (Open TW-Scripts, in the sidebar open Cyclopedia, Responder, and filter for Anthony…)

I would be happy to help

Thanks Mohammad,

Perhaps to start, you could clone you favorites plugin to a bookmarks plugin, on in which clicking on a bookmark icon says it (the tiddler) shall appear in the bookmarks tab which can also be organised into folders.

Once you do this I will provide the following;

If it (the bookmark tiddler) has a url field (or other set name) this will be what clicking on the title will go to.

  • When the tiddler has a url field or the text field starts with a url on the first line, use the tiddler title which when clicked goes to the address, and provide a link to the tiddler it is found in, in a small button.
  • My current links automatically set a target so similar links reopen the same tab - I can provide the custom equivalent of $:/plugins/kookma/favorites/templates/item-link-btn
    • R-click allows you to open in new tab/browser window instead.

But the question is what if the one tiddler contains multiple fields containing urls - how and would we list them?

  • I have a special project called Protocol links that finds all fields (in a tiddler OR Wiki) whose value contains a “protocol prefix” and uses an appropriate display mechanism. Prefixes include file:// http/s, mailto etc…
    • In one case we use an arbitrary field name and the link is named according to the fieldname
    • In another case I extract the link name from the url
  • We could use this method and rather than, or in addition to, folders, we allow one or more links to arise from each tiddler saved in the bookmarks.
  • Can you see how to extend a version of your favorites to handle multiple links from one tiddler?

I have more advanced link handling to share, but the above would be a great start.

Tony, I suggest a shorter way to start. I myself develop a prototype first and then go through details.

What you think if:

  1. have a viewtoolbar button (a toggle button)
  2. on click add bookmark tag (you now this can be a star as Tiddlywiki allows Emojis)
  3. on second click remove the bookmark tag (toggle button)
  4. create a sidebar tab (a tiddler tagged $:/tags/Sidebar)
  5. list tiddlers with bookmark tag (use a template to show caption/title and url if it has url field)

Structured bookmarking
6. a tiddler tagged bookmark and also has a tag (itself has bookmark tag)
6.1. instead of list you can use your own developed toc macro

I just upgraded, and unfortunately cannot add new favorites anymore, only remove old ones. Is there something I should try?

Can you try on an empty.html? This makes us sure you have the right plugin and plugin works

Yes, it works fine in empty.html

  • I hope you have a backup before updating!
  • If not just make a backup right now

In a copy version (not in the main wiki)

  • Open $:/ControlPanel → Plugins → Favorites → Contents
  • Look at the tiddlers have been overridden (they are not bold)
  • Let me know what are they? (Note $:/favorites/folders/recent will be overridden and you need this as is)

All are bold. (The $:/favorites tiddlers are not included in the plugin, so they are not listed there.)

I have removed all tiddlers in $:/favorites and uninstalled and reinstalled, but still the same.

I can see that $:/favorites/folders/recent and $:/favorites/favlist are updated when I click “the heart”, but the Favorites tab isn’t updated. Not on reload of the whole TiddlyWiki either.

<<favorites-tree>> returns empty.

There is a change in code structure, but that does not affect how Favorites works.

This means it works as expected. You just do not see the favorite items in the sidebar tree. am I right?

Please delete the sidebar tab? TW will restore it from plugin shadows!

  • open $:/AdvancedSearch
  • Find $:/plugins/kookma/favorites/sidebar-tab
  • Just delete it

There is some bug somewhere, the “recent” folder lacked the “$:/tags/Favorites/Folder” tag. The favorites manager couldn’t find the favorites either.

I don’t know how this happened, but after creating a new recent folder and adding that tag, it works again.

  • Version 4.6.0 has been restructured. The recent folder has been renamed.
  • When you update an old one, you have two favorites sidebar tabs, just delete the old one.
  • The recent folder in old one is $:/plugins/kookma/favorites/recent while in new is $:/favorites/folders/recent

I will add notes in update from 4.5.x to 4.6.0

Please let mw know if you could work with new release.

This is the old one remained from previous version. Look at its list field! Copy them into the list field of $:/favorites/folders/recent and delete it

I went back to a backup and upgraded again from 4.5.1, with the same result.

No, I have just one.

When I add my first new favorite, $:/favorites/folders/recent is created without the tag.

Do you update from kookma plugin library or by drag and drop from demo page?

Could you update with attached plugin and let me know the result (assuming you follow my instructions above)?

$__plugins_kookma_favorites.json (41.0 KB)

Yes, most of that is sounds fine but I was hoping you would use the same engine as Favorites and no tag, with folders available.

  • I could try and reverse engineer it, but thought best to ask you to do it.
  • Perhaps if you rebranded is as “linker” (bookmarks is too common) then I engineer the changes I am thinking?
  • I would like it to work with file:// as well.
    • See what I do with a local tiddlywiki address Snag_7c24b16
    • You can open folders in the full path and the little icon opens its wikibackps folder
  • I hope to let users trigger bookmarklets.
  • The way it handles automatic href targets is important.

A possible icon, the inside can be colored?
bookmark-icon.json (646 Bytes)

Via plugin library.

I upgraded a backup again, using the JSON file you linked, and now got two “Recently added” folders, but only one Favorites tab.

New favorites are added to the empty “Recently added”.

I can use the Manager to drag and drop from the old “Recently added” to the new, and delete the old one.

(When updating via the plugin library, I don’t see the new “Recently added”, since it lacks both the right tag and caption.)

That is a bug! I push a new update in few minutes. But the JSON I sent you shall work!
I also added a First Aids tiddler to do the job automatically after you upgraded to new version!

First Aids_ Update from 4.5.2 or Older to 4.6.1.json (745 Bytes)

I add all these to demo page!