Favorites Plugin: New Update 4.6.1

An update has been pushed to address few issues when upgrade from an older version.

Release 4.6.1

  • Aug 12th, 2022
  • [FIXED] Documentation for proper update from Favorites 4.5.2 and older
  • [FIXED] Issue in distributing the $:/favorites/folders/recent with plugin
  • [FIXED] View template for Favorites Manage in Cascades has a list-before now.
  • [FIXED] Manager gear button color corrected
  • [FIDEX] All inputbox have clear button

For all changes see ChangeLog

A rewrite of plugin was announced here: Favorites Plugin: Update 4.6.5 - Plugins - Talk TW (tiddlywiki.org)

Please use the latest version, if you are new to Favorites. For those who upgrade, please carefully read the instruction and only upgrade on a backup version!

Do not use directly on your valuable Tiddlywiki.