Exporting Tiddlers as DATA URI's

I was playing with the datauri macro, and I was thinking I’d like something that generates a little bit of formatting.

Something like this (just the quickest sample of text I could grab with help from that “TiddlyWiki custom import: Web Text HTML Reducer (?)” prototype I’m working on):

data:text/html,<p><strong>Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?</strong></p><p>Welcome to <a>TiddlyWiki</a>, a unique <a>non-linear</a> notebook for <a>capturing</a>, <a>organising</a> and <a>sharing</a> complex information.</p><p>Use it to keep your <a>to-do list</a>, to plan an <a>essay or novel</a>, or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website.</p>

Has anybody already done work like that?

I’m thinking open a tiddler, press a button in the toolbar, get a data:text/html uri .

Do you mean it basically a button that copiesthe tiddler text to the clipboard allows and/or allows to drag and drop the text field by basically converting it to ;


That is rather than copy text to the clipboard alone prefix it with data:text/html,?


I am thinking a button on tiddlers.

Press the button for a tiddler, and you get the html code for that tiddler’s content with the data:text/html bit prefixed to that html.

Maybe an opportunity to tweak it first if that makes sense.

Otherwise manually copy the data uri for pasting (or drag and drop), if not using the clipboard.

I haven’t put much thought into the mechanics. I’d like something similar to the current data uri macro, but results that are “pretty”.

Unless there is something I missed about the macro and/or unless there is already a plugin or simple tiddler out there that already does pretty data uri of a tiddler.

Yep, makes sense to me. But I’m finding the undocumented $output attribute doesn’t work as I’m expecting (hinted at by the example $output="text/plain"). When I set it to $output="text/html" I get text/vnd.tiddlywiki in the output.

However, pasting it into the address bar and modifying the mime type by hand, works okay here – but yes, a UI to provide some tweaking would be a better UX.