Edit Long Tiddlers in Sidebar in a Flexible Manner

Refereeing to recent discussions

  1. Section Editor Plugin: First Stable Release - #26 by sull-vitsy
  2. Section Editor Plugin: First Stable Release
  3. Best Practice: Tiddlywiki and Structure of Long Note

The Section Editor lets you edit part of a long a tiddler. I am thinking about the possibility to have option to edit in the sidebar in a hassle less manner! I know there are many solutions out there, but I like to have your input for a simple flat UI + shortcuts to be able to edit whole or part of a long tiddler in the sidebar!

I have tended to avoid the side bar editors, they feel too constrained, but if built into it, was the ability to change the side bar width, I may think again.

sideBar-width.json (4.5 KB)

Perhaps being able to promote it above the tabs would help too, even just temporarily, I would not feel like I am editing in the bottom right of the screen, which as Jeremey recently mentioned is not the natural position at least for English language users.

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