Easy Next, Previous, First and Last TAGGED on the tag pill


I just added another item to my “reimagine tags collection”, this time it provides one of up to 4 buttons on any tag pill drop down to the Next, Previous, First and Last.

[Edited] I have opened a further discussion here Navigating complex tiddler relationships, a discussion for the enthusiast

Try it on TiddlyWiki.com and click on any tag pill.
next-tagged.json (1.9 KB) (single tiddler solution)

Interested in any more features? Let me know


I’m curious: is this collection is hosted anywhere, or do I just need to search the forum for similar posts?

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Searching the forum would find it but I need to repackage them with the new features and I will share here.

  • I wish I had a Plugin Library to share via.

One advantage of this solution is the buttons “Next/Prev etc…” are nicely hidden inside the tag pill of each tag.

I am looking at using the same or similar code to provide “Next, Previous, First and Last” buttons outside the tag pill dropdown, such as via the view template as others have already done.

The thing is when you have multiple tags, there are multiple next/previous paths. Things quickly become more complex and hard to follow/keep track of. Which is contrary to this threads title including the word Easy.

  • So for anyone interested I am looking the best I can to find a way to display multiple Next/Previous paths in a visual and intuitive way.
  • Any ideas welcome (If you even know what I am talking about)
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If git doesn’t scare you, then GitHub and GitLab offer Pages, which host HTML content and make for a very simple means of sharing such things.

My current largish documentation project, by far the largest thing I’ve built in TW, is running running on GitLab, and every git push generates a build on GitLab’s server, which is little more than the Node command tiddlywiki . --output public --build index and a push of the resulting HTML file to the public (well, company-wide) server. I have a local clone of this repository, served over Node. A few times a day I commit and push my work back to GitLab and the public site is updated a minute or two later.

The plugin I’ve been discussing (endlessly it seems!) here is hosted on the public GitHub site, and my workflow is slightly more tedious, but not terrible I also edit locally on a Node version, overriding the shadow tiddlers to make changes. When I want to publish, I stop the local server (not necessary, but a good caution), move those overridden tiddlers into the plugin’s folder, and call for a build. The script that runs is a bit more complex than the GitLab’s version, and not yet automated to run on the server on change, so I have to do it locally. (I failed to get that working in my first two attempts, but will come back to it eventually.) Then I commit and push my changes. If I want to increment my version number I have to do so in two places, and I really want to fix that. But it’s still relatively easy, and at some point, I’ll automate it a bit more. But I don’t know your background. What’s easy to me as a longtime programmer may seem esoteric to others.

And I know some of the hosting sites also let you save changes, and there are tools to package plugins from the browser. So I think you have some options if you want to do this.

The whole setup for my WizardNav plugin is available if it would help you, at GitHub - CrossEye/TW5-WizardNav.


Thanks @Scott_Sauyet but I think your reply “says it all”, doing all that, every day, just to be in a position to publish Plugin Library?

I am a prolific user of single file wikis and I am sure I could work through it to do as you suggest. Thanks for the support, by the way.

For a Similar effort to your suggestion, perhaps even less effort, I may be able to create a tool to generate a plugin Library, from inside a single file wiki (via zipping) I just need to “get around to it”.

  • I just need to get help on the library “Standards / Mechanism” and/or reverse engineer it.

I think I made it sound worse than it is.

For my work project where I’m not working on plugins, a few times a day I commit my code to the repo. That can be done with a button-press in an editor, although I so it with a few commands in a console.

My plugin work is newer and I haven’t yet figured out how to automate it, but if I continue beyond this one (no plans, but who knows?) I will find a way to do something similar, with normal work just being occasional pushes, and a single separate command to publish a new version.

Everything else is done inside the TW UI.

I’m not pushing this. However you want to do it is entirely your choice, but when it sounded like you didn’t have a decent hosting solution, I just wanted to give something back after all your wonderful help. It was something I thought I could offer.

Much appreciated @Scott_Sauyet , perhaps my attitude is as much a desire to find the time to set it it up.