Dynamic SVG navigation

#newhere forgive my ignorance.

I’m investigating the possibility of using dynamic svg as a visual navigation tool for my upcoming tiddlywiki projects.

Has any work been done integrating observablehq.com visualisations?

I am imagining meta-tag sets and pearltrees.com like dynamic node nets.

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You may have a closer look at: ECharts - Bringing amazing visualization tools to TiddlyWiki!

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Pearltrees and tiddlywiki?! Yes please!

I think tidgraph is an svg generated from tiddlywiki data, but I could be wrong.


A few years ago I made most of a plugin to integrate Snap.SVG into tiddlywiki (the example wiki is here Snap.svg Work — a non-linear personal web notebook) but I never really polished it.

I also made some simple svg bar charts (BarChart Demo Edition — a demo of the plugin)
and scatter plots (ScatterPlot Demo Edition — a demo of the plugin)

they aren’t anywhere near as complex as the examples you lined to, but they do show that at least simple versions of the sort of plotting and interaction is possible.

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It is simple and to the point.

I used and use it a lot…