Dynamic Button realization

Hello TW - Friend and Experts,

@pmario helped me to implement the marvelous function of Replace the save button with export tiddler function .

This function is a huge step for a multiuser Wiki where authors cannot publish their contributions directly. The workflow provides that the contributions must first be sent to an editorial office and after review are then integrated into the wiki and published.

In addition to this I am looking for dynamic button in the PageControl Area.
If possible this button should change based on a field or a tag of the current tiddler.

My idea is to give some tiddlers a field eg.named state.
The field is available by {{{ [<tv-history-list>get[current-tiddler]get[state]] }}} and if the state is empty or not existing no button will be shown. But it the state is filled with draft the button will get a defined symbol, and if it is filled with saved another symbol will be shown and so on and so on.

My idea is to have 4-6 different states with different symbols and later on also different functions behind the symbols have a complete workflow available.

I know something similar was implemented with the Save-Wiki Button. But this is a core function.

Hopefully my description is understandable …