Do you use Timimi? If so, do you also use timimi backup?

I’m trying to get a feel of the usage of Timimi within the TiddlyWiki community.

I’ll note that the original extension only has a 3.5 rating at the Guugal web store, and I recognise only one community member.

Part of what makes Timimi complicated is that it has a lot of code for doing complicated backup stuff. I’m wondering how many people are consciously using that. (you might have made some settings and forgotten).

Recently I was looking for space to clean off my machine and discovered I had 500 megs of Timimi backups! I haven’t actively used Timimi in probably 2 years.

I’ve been using Timimi with Firefox (on Windows 10) as my sole saver for about four years now. I use first-in-first-out with 5 backups at any given time to limit the disk space it’s using; I also make periodic manual backups when I want a long-term backup.

I use Timimi in Edge but not backup (Onedrive Folder handles that)!

I use Timimi in Edge and Chrome, and I employ the Tower of Hanoi backup method with the number of recent saves set to 8.
I believe you might prefer a simple backup method, as the one I use occupies a significant amount of space.

I use Timimi with Firefox on Linux Mint Mate 22. I use backup same as Mohammad. It has saved me several times especially when starting a new Tiddlywiki, trying all sort of “stupid” ideas. Trial an error, you know.


Admission: I still use the first version of Timimi on an old Firefox. Why?

Because it had scripting that lets you launch (via a back end) any program.

I still WANT a modern way to use a TW that CAN talk to the local OS.

Am I in a minority of one?



It work(ed)s.

I guess the backup scheme must be related to your “predicted error possibitiies”?
Personally I found 3 redundant serial backups is enough.
Each to their own domains.

I do think that we also need acknowledge …

1 — backup regime needs do differ quite a lot;
2 — given increasing browser lockdowns should we also consider more (local) external backup options too? (meaning external programs that monitor TW (default) saves?

Everybody wants that. But browser vendors do prevent us to implement functionality like this, for security reasons. That’s why they make developers and users “Jump through hoops”.

I’ve been using Firefox+Timimi for about a year, TiddlyDesktop before that. I have it set to save first-in-first-out 100 copies locally.

Every few days (ideally every night) I’ll go through and save a “daily snapshot” of any wikis I worked on; with a different filename scheme so it won’t get over written.

At the end of the month, I’ll move a “monthly snapshot” copy to a separate location.

None of my wikis are above 6mg each and I generally don’t do significant work on more than 3 wikis on any day. The 100-copies-per-wiki still doesn’t take up a prohibitive amount of space.

Hmm. I really should figure out a way to (semi)automate the above tasks.

“Security reasons” have become ideological. Rarely do they pertain to a TW user doing anything local.

I am very aware of, by experience, you dev. guys are forever playing a “defensive frustrating hop” …

I do wonder if …

If some special browser embed of TW (like TiddlyDesktop) might foreground more O/S interaction?

That’s true!
The 8 recent saves come from my wiki for coding! but for note taking 3 is enough!

Until a few days ago, when Chrome, after an update, disabled it, I used Timimi with the save every n updates algorithm. Initially (long ago) I disliked the huge number of files it created, but soon simply deleted the oldest ones and kept only the five or ten most recent updates. For work that requires version control (git) I use the node.js version. I’m currently tinkering with other save methods for single file TiddlyWikis, which I intend to post here shortly.

You can turn it back on until June.

I have seen “June” mentioned here many times, but although I was quite happy with Timimi I don’t intend to re-enable it. I tried the suggested Manifest 3 version but it didn’t work (using the correct new id, etc., I may have done something wrong). And my initial tinkering is going well (so far)…

I use Timimi as a saver for Chrome, Edge and Firefox with backups set and forget to a local wiki-backups folder. I even install a package in all wikis that allows me to follow a link to the backup folder if needed.

  • I have not yet seen anything or implimented about overcoming this new issue in chrome. Please link me to any info please.

Ideally Timimi updates for continued used should include the backup mechanisium (I will help fund this even) but if its too onerouse the save mechanisium is essential to my use of tiddlywiki, I would setup an alternative backup (undesirable) if needed.

I don’t use timimi.

First of all, I did try the timimi extension, but I really didn’t understand how to use timimi (its documentation was a bit unclear to me). Secondly, my wiki has many plugins, and frequently saving such a large wiki to disk consumes computer disk space, which I cannot accept.

This sounds like the backups. Which you can turn off in Timimi (well, I think you can.)

I’ve been using Timimi with Firefox and Ubuntu for years. Backups with Tower of Hanoi method with 5 recent saves and 8 detph level. My wikis are in a google drive shared folder, but the backups are in a local folder. I’m very happy with it,