Dictionaries are FAST - How Fast? ,

Hi Folks,

You can skip all below - and go here:

Dictionaries are definitely the way to go - for static text - and this opens up a new door for me,…

Link: https://kjv.tiddlyhost.com/
Dictionary Direct Link: Daily Omer — Pray, Read, Study & Ask - Seek - Knock

  • or - keep reading,…

First off - Thanks to all of you for putting up with my n00b questions - I appreciate the honest and helpful way we interact.

I am a consumer - not a dev/programmer/etc of TiddlyWiki - and really want to put my notes and such onto tiddlers.

I’ve struggled with understanding ‘how’ TiddlyWiki works - and you gave gave me what’s needed:

  • Dictionaries are fast ← boy - they really are - imagine that!
  • Tags are good for searching ← Muddling this over - not my experience
  • Try and keep the screen (viewable part) minimal - as what’s seen is “updated” by TiddlyWiki (not sure that that means since my main PIM tiddler has a TON of links, etc)
  • Keep the Tiddlies Small ← this one does not make sense to me - ,… - I prefer them large - ???
  • ,…

All that said - I created a test site (yup - Thanks to @Springer + a few folks for suggesting this) that shows the speed of dictionaries with a large amount of data.

It’s a small site - 10 MB in size - but once I am done figuring out how to make my static files into dictionaries (structure, etc.) - it will probably get closer to 60 MB (just a guess though).

I created two Dictionaries: (to test t see if this will work)

  • Bible with 31,000+ lines (entries)
  • Words with 13,000+ lines (entries)

Psst - spoiler alert - it does work!

I found the KJV Bible (last month) from “TechWebLife” - and really wanted to see if TiddlyWiki could replace my current legacy Windows Program (I’ve been using since the author released it) - since I am on a Mac - for a few decades now - and using it through Whiskey. His version could not :frowning: .

TechWebLife’s (Steve’s) Site is Tag based and can take some time - but the spark was lit in me,…

So - a few days ago - I get a tiddlyhost account and setup a site - lost everything that day - since I created it online instead of uploading (uuughh).

Anyways - the site it’s in it’s infancy - but the search part - works - and works well.

Want to show the entire chapter of Psa 119 - no problem - heck - even the whole book of Psalms - no biggie.

Dictionaries are definitely the way to go - for static text - and this opens up a new door for me,…

Link: https://kjv.tiddlyhost.com/
Dictionary Direct Link: Daily Omer — Pray, Read, Study & Ask - Seek - Knock

Anyways, I’ll keep plugging away at this - and will eventually replace my legacy windows program - with TiddlyWiki - - :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: !

Note: I’ve only worked on it a few hours a day - since I do have a day job.



@TwN00b - glad to see you’re chugging on. I’m not sure if your post actually has a question in it but here are some minor thoughts:

It is a misunderstanding that they should be “small”… they should, according to Philosophy of Tiddlers be “the smallest semantically meaningful units” for the purpose of being able to combine them into new narratives. I would personally prefer it to instead be phrased as “the smallest contextually meaningful units” because that is what the user cares about. No need to chop things up for the sake of chopping them up. Sometimes tids are huge and that’s perfectly fine.

Netiquette; please provide the link there in that sentence. You do provide some links but it is not clear if any of those are the very site you refer to here.

Why? Did you forget to click “save”?

Considering the topic of your wiki (the bible) you may find common ground with fellow tiddleur and highly regarded member @DaveGifford

Tsk, tsk… poor excuses.

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Thanks @twMat - This helps and sorry that it was ambiguous.

Ah, yes - I should have linked the previous question - on the use of dictionaries and size of tiddlers - as I was struggling to understand the correct way to use Tiddlers. (This helped me make sense of it : https://tiddlywiki.com/#Philosophy%20of%20Tiddlers)

For the Links - makes sense - (now that I think on it) and will do - :slight_smile: .

For the loss - I was excited about having this online to share - and when I was done - closed the lid of my laptop. Then - the next day - cleared all the tabs (one complained about something or the other) - and - yup - was not saved - so when I went to upload it - ,… (growing pains,…)

Regarding @DaveGifford - I’ll reach out - and have seen some of his items - (in my many web searches) - Thanks!

Yeah - paying the bills and eating/sleeping do tend to get in the way of a lot of things,… :wink:

Thanks Again!


Completely ignoring any discussion and simply answering your title:

It depends.
Experiance suggests an inverse proportionality to size, but a direct correlation to how hard they are thrown.

Thanks @Ste_W ,

Yeah - I am currently playing (local to my host) with a dictionary that has 50,000 entries - and it’s just as snappy.

The issue I have is importing - since the web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) complain about the the page being non-responsive - - - I just “wait” - and it loads - - eventually.

I was thinking about this and unsure what the best course will be - as I have a ton of static-non-changing data that is perfect for a dictionary.

  • Maybe a request ticket in Git (unsure)
  • Maybe a ,…?



P.S. I am super new - never used a dictionary until a couple weeks ago - per the " * Performance: Data Tiddlers - aka Dictionaries - 4000 Tiddlers with 100 Fields each " thread.


TiddlyWiki is a chameleon and can be a website, a document, and app.

But when it comes to single file wikis in particular treat them as a document, not an online website. Practice making the red save indicator go away before leaving you document. Just as you may do with an excel spreadsheet or word document.

  • You can introduce the “local storage plugin” for additional protection however it has its own caviets and again you are best committing changes to file with a true save.

In addition to @TW_Tones excellent advice to “practice making the red save indicator go away before leaving your document”, you could also consider installing TiddlyTools/Time/AutoSaver (along with required TiddlyTools/Time/action-timeout.js).

TiddlyTools/Time/AutoSaver provides an automatic countdown timer that can trigger a save on a periodic scheduled basis (e.g., “every half hour”). You can set it to save the entire TiddlyWiki file, and/or download a JSON file containing all tiddler that have changed during the current session, and/or just download a JSON file containing specific pre-selected tiddlers. In particular, the “export changes” timed autosaver can be used to download incremental “checkpoint” files that can be used to recover at least some of your work if you forget to save at the end of your session (or in the rare instance where your browser or system freezes up or crashes while you are working).

Note that saving the entire file uses whatever “saver” handler you have set up. The default is the “HTML download saver”, which requires user interaction each time it is triggered. However, there are alternative savers you can install (see TiddlyWiki GettingStarted), some of which can save directly to your local filesystem without needing any user interaction when they are triggered. In contrast, the “export change” and “export tiddlers” options always use the HTML download saver.

Note also that the TiddlyTools AutoSaver timer is only triggered when your TiddlyWiki browser window is active. Thus, if you close your laptop (putting it to “sleep”), timed autosaves will not occur. Still, setting up a timed autosave may help prevent some loss of work, since you won’t be completely reliant on remembering to manually save your changes.

Hope this helps,


Thanks @TW_Tones and @EricShulman - appreciate the info.

I learned - so now I do this:

  • Saving: Gitlab Auth Key
  • AutoSave
  • Dropbox
  • I click the “save” button - and then "download’ from GitLab - the file - twice - “-current" - and "-emergency”

We do learn,… :slight_smile:

I am still trying to figure out how to display many cascaded menus,… :slight_smile:

Thanks Guys,

TwN00b - The guy that learned to save his files,…

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I went with a simple drop-down and tiddlers - updating field values.

See: Daily Omer — Pray, Read, Study & Ask - Seek - Knock

It’s ugly - for now - but fast and works.

TwN00b - -

I raised this related thread Enhancing overall functionality of solutions on tiddlywiki "arrive and leave" triggers it would not address the closing the laptop case but it would others.

  • I think you may be interested and have the skills to address these @EricShulman
  • Adding to the “timed or when leaving saves” how would we only attempt this if there are unsaved changes?

The idea that a wikis saves when you “leave it”, only of the dirty indicator is set is another form of autosave that leverages user behaviours already taking place, and is possibly a good time to do so because they are not “using the wiki, when they leave it”.