like experience

I want to use TW5 as a alternative and looking for ideas on how to achieve that. was a bookmark site that allowed to quickly bookmark a site, tag the bookmark, and later find bookmarks by tags.
If there is something similar, would love to get pointers (see below for what I already found)
What I this is best is if I have a tiddler that allows:

  • add new bookmark: URL, name, description, category, tags (both with completion).
    ** I think a tiddler per bookmark would be nice as itā€™ll allowed adding notes.
  • search bookmarks by filtering based on name substring, description substring, a category and/or tags (multiple tags are ā€˜andā€™, ā€˜orā€™ according to selection)

Plugins I found:

I too am always on the lookout for this kind of solution.

this post is the best solution Iā€™ve found so far. It does not add tags automatically. Itā€™s a bit more complicated than just adding a plugin but it works.

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TiddlyWiki lends itself to this because once you have the bookmark, or URL its easy to create links and make it searchable.

I have done a lot of work on this and have some prototypes however not of sharable quality, however I think the way to go may be using a bookmarklet to capture the address and paste it into tiddlywiki with a custom import method or drop zone.

The area I am working on is to generate a full html link with friendly name, target or window name set and paste or drop this into a wiki. We would then add a few tools to organise them, one of my Favorites is dropping a link on a tiddler and storing one or more in the single tiddler in fields, which we then gather to display the captured links. Thus the first organisational method is the tiddler you drop it on.

  • Also the different links from one site, eg, would open in the same named tab, unless you use r-click open in new tab.
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Did you checked closedlist plug in by @buggyj

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I have just now updated

This demo show one way of using tiddlyclip to organize webclips - I (as is evident) have not put much thought into this demo (it is more of a test of how this application works.)

After the tiddlywiki is docked to the tiddlyclip browser extension, a cliplist from that tiddlywiki can be then used. cliplists have a ā€˜dockā€™ button that loads its bunch of tags into the tiddlyclip browser extension drop down, that are selected with check boxes allowing a number of tags to be added to a webclip.

you can define any number of cliplist and switch between them.

Note that this is one of many ways tiddlyclip can be used to make and organize webclips.


Thanks. I must say Iā€™m a bit confused at what the extension+plugin do, but I tried to install the extension and it has errors.

Do you know how to package something like this as a plugin (or maybe @Mark_S can do it)? The json in the post creates individual tiddlers.
And Iā€™m not looking for automatically adding tags, so this looks good to me

those are not true ā€˜errorsā€™, there is nothing going wrong, the manifest key is for firefox and is ignored, and tiddlyclip is not loaded into tabs that have a url that starts with ā€˜chrome://ā€™.

I use tiddlyclip mostly on firefox, but I have not found or had reports of problems with chrome.

I have just finish making a tiddlyclip ā€˜Manifest version 3ā€™ compatible version, and will trial it in the coming months

Not yet unfortunately :slight_smile:

Here is a list of the tiddlers. You can see the implementation in my wiki as well. This is a node wiki. You should be able to just drag and drop these into your wiki. I know there is an easier way to do this with like a json file or something but not sure how to implement it right now.

Here is a book mark expanded out by clicking on the ā€˜iā€™ of the bookmark with notes added.

I am realizing a small issue with the above setup for a public facing wiki - the key generated for use with is a personal one yet shows publicly. It can be hidden from the tiddler text area but just be aware that it still shows in the info and when anyone drags that tiddler into their own they are taking the key with it. Itā€™s not a huge deal - they allow up to 60 links/hr which I never approach, but itā€™s something to be aware of.

I ended up creating a plugin that repackages markā€™s and odinā€™s work and adds to it. It has a tiddler for filling in details for a bookmark, possibly fetching from linkpreview, then creating a tiddler and optionally navigating to it to add more detail. Thereā€™s a sidebar segment with a button to open the form or a drop zone for dragging links and a new search tab to search for bookmarks (technically it can search for any tiddler, but the results wonā€™t be pretty, maybe a future enhancement)
$__plugins_ittay_delicious.json (21.2 KB)

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I shared on using bookmarklet to capture info into TW previously (Copy info from web site to tiddlywiki using bookmarklet and json tiddler dropzone).

Hereā€™s an updated bookmarklet for capturing URL bookmark bookmarklet_to_capture_bookmark.json (6.2 KB). This one captures the site image link and site icon link as well, like what LinkPreview does.

The bookmarklet process is:
When you are on a web page you wanted to bookmark, launch the bookmarklet (stored in the browserā€™s Favorites/Bookmarks) to copy the contents. Then go to Tiddlywiki page, click on the dropzone and paste (ctrl-V) the captured contents. The newly created tiddler will open in draft mode as shown below for adding tags and comment:

I try to make the captured fields compatible with what I see here. These are defined in the bookmarklet, modify them to suit the application.

For URL bookmarking, I find it really useful to also copy some text in the webpage to help me recall why the page interests me in the first place. This can be done by selecting/highlighting the text of interest before launching the bookmarklet. In this case, the text selection is appended to site description after the <br><br> in the ā€œtextā€ field. To put it somewhere else, modify the bookmarklet source accordingly.

Note that site images and site icons captured are web links to the original site so they may trigger HTTP requests to the web sites when they are presented in Tiddlywiki as images (and not already in the browser cache). The extra data traffic is generally not a problem nowadays. A better approach is to copy the image files locally which will require some extra tools to implement, such as the File Upload Plugin and somewhere to upload to.


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Thatā€™s sweet! Much better than using linkpreview: not only will it grab information from sites that require a login, you also included the ability to grab some text, and, no need for an intermediate form. Iā€™ll use it for sure.