I am following, with great interest, the discussion on this thread. Please do not branch onto a separate thread, all your contributions only add to the knowledge communicated.
Anyway, having digested much of the discussions so far, I have come up with the following plan.
Four tiddler types:
- Artwork, title is an unique asset number, ie. YB1234, and having various fields for artwork properties, such as artwork_title=‘Blue Poles’ (artwork_titles can not guaranteed to be unique as in ‘untitled’)
- Exhibition, title is a unique exhibition number, ie. EX1234, and having various fields for exhibition properties such as exhibition name, gallery name, date start, date end, status, etc
- Consignment, title is a unique consignment number, ie CO1234 and having various fields for consignment properties such as consigned_to, transported_by, date_transported, status, etc
- Relationship, title is a unique relationship number, ie RL1234 and having three fields for artwork_title, consignment_title, exhibition_title.
The relationship tiddler can have artwork_title and one of the other two title fields completed, ie, RO1234, artwork=YB1234, exhibition=EX2345
This will allow the documentation of each artwork and where it has been exhibited or consigned to.
The discussions about cascade deletion, although relevant, are not too much of an issue here since
- artworks once added can not be deleted as their asset numbers are never re-used. They can have a status of ‘lost’ or ‘destroyed’. Their artwork_titles, however, may change as the artist wishes.
- Similarly, exhibitions are not deleted since they are usually added after the exhibition has opened and thus the exhibition is unable to be removed in real time.
- Consignments are created as part of moving one or more artworks. Once created, they are usually not deleted if the movement has occurred. The only deletion event can be prior to the actual movement and I can see a simple filter on the relationship tiddlers can extract all artworks for an consignment and then do a delete action on those relationship tiddlers.
There will be various viewtemplates to display required information and also an add template for adding artworks, exhibitions and relationships.
@jerojasro, your idea did occur to me but this then enshrines that a relationship can have no properties which may be a limiting factor in future. My idea is that relationship properties can be added subsequently if required.
@tomzheng, I will have a look into tabulator and see what it can do for me.
All of this is a thought bubble only. Now to begin and trial TW stuff.
If you are interested, I have a TW of artworks already online at http://cultconv.neocities.org/YvonneBoag/YBTW.html. This TW is updated via a JSON extract from the current Filemaker Pro database for the artworks list excluding exhibitions, consignments, etc.
thanks one and all and keep these good ideas coming folks!!