Create a journal tiddler on startup

Having the same need as raised in this thread as a user coming from Logseq/Obsidian, I would like to have a journal tiddler created as soon as I open Tiddlywiki (or opened if it already exists, which is easy to do with the StartupTiddlers configuration), so that I can type any notes in children stream tiddlers.
I have therefore tried to copy $:/core/ui/Actions/new-journal , make my own version of “Auto journal on startup”:

<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<now "YYYY-0MM-0DD, ddd">> tags="Journal" />

or even hard-coded the tiddler’s title

<$action-createtiddler $basetitle="2025-02-12, Wed" />

and tagged them with $:/tags/StartupAction, but when I reload the wiki all of these options give me a red screen of death showing Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getString'), regardless whether or not I include \import [subfilter{$:/core/config/GlobalImportFilter}] before the createtiddler widget.
Same if I use $action-sendmessage instead of createtiddler:

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler"  title="2025-02-12, Wed" />

Is there some kind of conflict between the creation of a journal tiddler specifically and TW’S startup sequence? Or am I making an obvious mistake somewhere?

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I created a github issue for this bug here: [Bug] RSOE When Using a StartupAction with the now macro · Issue #8946 · TiddlyWiki/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub

I think I managed to narrow the source of the error to this snippet of wikitext:

<$transclude $variable='now'  />

It looks like the now macro is failing because $tw.utils.formatDateString is trying to access something that is undefined.

I’ve found a workaround , create a tiddler with the tag $:/tags/StartupAction/PostRender (using $:/tags/StartupAction will produce a RSOE) and this content:



I don’t know why this work, but it does … my guess is that somehow, enough delay is added to allow $tw.utils.formatDateString to work properly.

Great, thanks for your answer @telumire!

I didn’t want to reuse the new-journal action so I simplified it a bit to this:

<$let journalTitleTemplate={{$:/config/NewJournal/Title}} >
<$wikify name="journalTitle" text="<$transclude $variable='now' format=<<journalTitleTemplate>>/>">

<$list filter="[<journalTitle>!is[tiddler]]" >
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<journalTitle>> $template="$:/zig/JournalTemplate" tags="Journal" /> 

and that works wonderfully to have a daily journal tiddler as soon as I start up TW.
However, it seems to be created after processing the $:/DefaultTiddlers, so that I had to replace my initial [<now "YYYY-0MM-0DD, ddd">is[tiddler]else[Good day!]] with [<now "YYYY-0MM-0DD, ddd">]: Good day! is a welcome tiddler with a button to create a new journal if it does not exist yet, but is being put in the story just before the daily journal tiddler is automatically created.

Now, with that solved, I was trying to do something similar to create a tiddler in edit mode on startup (mostly to parse the URL when sharing content with TW as a PWA app on Android), but I can’t figure it out:

  • <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" ...> does not seem to do anything when triggered by StartupAction/PostRender
  • <$action-createtiddler> successfully creates a tiddler, but does not put any focus on it
  • a subsequent <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" ...> also does not put the new tiddler in edit mode.
  • <$action-navigate $to=<<createTiddler-title>>/> does put the tiddler in the story line, but also not in edit mode.
  • all these options work properly when triggered by a button!

So it seems that $action-sendmessage widgets don’t work (yet?) on StartupAction - am I missing something, or is there any other way to put a tiddler in edit mode on startup?
(I also couldn’t figure out how to use the deprecated $savedrafttitle attribute for action-createtiddler)

Try wrapping your actions in a navigator widget:

<$navigator story="$:/StoryList" history="$:/HistoryList">
actions here

Certain messages need to be handled by a navigator widget and none is available in startup actions unless you provide one.

Oh wow, that did it!
For future reference, in the end my tiddler looks like this:

\define content(title,text,url)
from $title$, $url$
[ext[$title$|$url$]] // this does not work, WIP

<$list filter="[[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]first[]regexp[source_title=.*]]">
  <$let source_title={{{ [[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]regexp[source_title=]split[=]last[]] }}}
            source_text={{{ [[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]regexp[source_text=]split[=]last[]] }}}
            source_url={{{ [[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]regexp[source_url=]split[=]last[]] }}} 
            tiddlerTitleTemplate={{$:/language/DefaultNewTiddlerTitle}} >
    <$wikify name="tidTitle" text="<$transclude $variable='now' format=<<tiddlerTitleTemplate>>/>">
      <$wikify name="tidcontent" text="<$transclude $variable='content' title=<<source_title>> text=<<source_text>> url=<<source_url>> />" >
        <$navigator story="$:/StoryList" history="$:/HistoryList">
          <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<<tidTitle>> text=<<tidcontent>> tags="new_on_start" />

Certain messages need to be handled by a navigator widget and none is available in startup actions unless you provide one.

Do you know if there is any documentation about this?

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I believe there is about how the messages are handled but not about navigator not being available in startup actions.

Thanks! What does “handled” actually mean?

and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.

@zigmhount could you wrote another post on how to set this up? I’m trying to follow along what you put where but I’m not getting it. I want this in my own personal edition.

@technome gladly! Not sure what part exactly you’re interested in, so I give you everything :slight_smile:

  1. my default tiddlers (set in the control panel) includes today’s journal [<now "YYYY-0MM-0DD, ddd">].
  2. $:/zig/auto_journal_on_startup is tagged $:/tags/StartupAction/PostRender and contains this:
<$let journalTitleTemplate={{$:/config/NewJournal/Title}} >

<!-- <$wikify name="journalTitle" text="<$transclude $variable='now' format=<journalTitleTemplate>/>"> -->
<!-- No idea why transclude or the macro itself do not interpret the format correctly whereas it works in a filter, but it works better. -->
<!-- ended up hardcoding the date format instead of using journalTitleTemplate -->
<$wikify name="journalTitle" text="{{{[<now 'YYYY-0MM-0DD, ddd'>]}}}">

<$list filter="[<journalTitle>!is[tiddler]]" >
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<journalTitle>> $template="$:/zig/templates/JournalBody" tags="Journal" /> 
  1. $:/zig/templates/JournalBody contains only this
  1. $:/zig/templates/JournalTemplate contains what I want to see on every journal, currently the list of tiddlers created and modified in that day, and buttons to the previous/next days:
<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>tag[Journal]]"

<$let journaldate={{{ [{!!journal-date}split[]first[8]join[]] }}}
        titledate={{{ [{!!title}parsedate[YYYY-0MM-0DD, ddd]]        }}}
      createddate={{{ [{!!created}format:date[YYYY0MM0DD]]    }}}>
<$set name="thisdate"  value=<<journaldate>> emptyValue=<<titledate>>>
<$set name="thisdate" filter="[<thisdate>search:title[NaN]]" value=<<createddate>> emptyValue=<<thisdate>>>
<$set name="thisdate" filter="[<thisdate>match[]]"           value=<<createddate>> emptyValue=<<thisdate>>>
<$set name="created"  filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]] [all[tags]regexp[zig]tagging[]is[system]]                :filter[<currentTiddler>get[created]format:date[YYYY0MM0DD]match<thisdate>]">
<$set name="modified" filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!enlist<created>] [all[tags]regexp[zig]tagging[]is[system]] :filter[<currentTiddler>get[modified]format:date[YYYY0MM0DD]match<thisdate>]">
<$list filter="[<created>!match[]]" >
   <ul style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;">
      <$list filter="[enlist<created>sort[]]">

<$list filter="[<modified>!match[]]">
   <ul style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;">
      <$list filter="[enlist<modified>!sort[modified]]">

<$let nextday={{{ [<thisdate>format:date[YYYY0MM0DD]add[1]] }}} prevday={{{ [<thisdate>format:date[YYYY0MM0DD]subtract[1]] }}} >
<$button><$link to={{{ [<prevday>format:date[YYYY-0MM-0DD, ddd]] }}}>< Previous day</$link></$button><$button><$link to={{{ [<nextday>format:date[YYYY-0MM-0DD, ddd]] }}}>Next day ></$link></$button>
  1. $:/zig/receive_share_GET_pwa is tagged $:/tags/StartupAction/PostRender with content to parse the URL http://<my localhost tiddlywiki url>?source_title=mytitle&source_text=mytext&source_url=myurl and subsequently remove the query strings from the URL to not reprocess them when I reload the page:
\whitespace trim
\define content(title,text,url)
<%if [[$text$]minlength[1]] %>
  <%if [[$url$]minlength[1]] %>
<%if [[$url$]minlength[1]] %>
  <%if [[$title$]minlength[1]] %>
\define link_node(nodetolink) `[[$nodetolink$]]`
\function stream_node_title(parenttt,thistt) [<parenttt>] [[/]] [<thistt>] +[join[]]

<$list filter="[[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]first[]regexp[source_title=.*]] [[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]first[]regexp[source_text=.*]] [[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]first[]regexp[source_url=.*]]">
  <$let source_title={{{ [[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]regexp[source_title=]split[=]last[]] +[decodeuricomponent[]] }}}
            source_text={{{ [[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]regexp[source_text=]split[=]last[]] +[decodeuricomponent[]] }}}
            source_url={{{ [[$:/info/url/search]get[text]split[&]regexp[source_url=]split[=]last[]] +[decodeuricomponent[]] }}} 
            tiddlerTitleTemplate={{$:/language/DefaultNewTiddlerTitle}} >
    <$wikify name="tidTitle" text="<$transclude $variable='now' format=<<tiddlerTitleTemplate>>/>">
      <$wikify name="tidcontent" text="<$transclude $variable='content' title=<<source_title>> text=<<source_text>> url=<<source_url>> />" >
        <$navigator story="$:/StoryList" history="$:/HistoryList">
          <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<<tidTitle>> text=<<tidcontent>> />
<$action-removeQsFromUrl param="source_text"/>
<$action-removeQsFromUrl param="source_title"/>
<$action-removeQsFromUrl param="source_url"/>


... Another similar section to use the URL ...?NewStreamToday= to create a new stream tiddler under today's journal tiddler ...

  1. The custom widget action-removeQsFromUrl.js to remove the query string parameters, type=application/Javascript , field module-type=widget :

Widget to remove the querystring from the URL


/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";

var Widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js").widget;

// console.log("Called action-removeQsFromUrl custom widget!");

// Copied from

var RemoveQueryParamWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {
	Inherit from the base widget class
	RemoveQueryParamWidget.prototype = new Widget();
	Render this widget into the DOM
	RemoveQueryParamWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {
//        console.log("Executed render.");
	Compute the internal state of the widget
	RemoveQueryParamWidget.prototype.execute = function() { = this.getAttribute("param","default");
	Refresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date
	RemoveQueryParamWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {
		// Nothing to refresh
		return this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);


//	console.log("Invoking the action...");
	Invoke the action associated with this widget
	RemoveQueryParamWidget.prototype.invokeAction = function(triggeringWidget,event) {
		var queryParams = new URLSearchParams(;
//     console.log("Found queryParams " + queryParams.toString());

		history.replaceState(null, null, "?" + queryParams.toString() + document.location.hash);

        // Remove them all
//        history.replaceState(null, null, document.location.hash);
//		history.replaceState(null, null, (queryParams.size > 0 ? ("?" + queryParams.toString()) : '') + document.location.hash);
		return true; // Action was invoked
//	console.log("Invoked the action");

exports["action-removeQsFromUrl"] = RemoveQueryParamWidget;


That’s quite exhaustive, so I hope I’m not drowning you in irrelevant details @technome :sweat_smile: but I have more PWA related stuff if you need, let me know!

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