Copy-paste buttons for edit field template or tiddlerInfo section of fields

Linked above is a button which will copy the field-name and field-value of any tiddler as a filter and navigate to the filter tab of the advanced search tiddler. This button sits next to the delete button of the edit template of the tiddler fields.

Now what I want is a button that can copy field-name and field-value of a tiddler (copy single and multiple fields) and paste or add it to another tiddler or multiple tiddlers. Paste button can be placed somewhere near the empty field-name I guess or anywhere else

Sometimes multiple tiddlers will have same field-name and field-value combo, which I have to copy-paste in multiple steps. I want to avoid this and do this copy-paste work in two button clicks.

If editing core edit template is to be avoided, this may target the Fields in the tiddlerInfo section also.

Is it possible?

A trick here, is the second button, or paste, which pushes content from the system clipboard, this can’t be triggered by the wiki, so you can’t pull the content of the clipboard in. You need to paste it, into an edit field, however,

Rather than rely on the system clipboard, in the button that does the “copy to clipboard”, also copy it to a temporary tiddler $:/temp/clip (perhaps in this case one for fieldname(s) and one For Field value(s), then the button to paste, actually pastes/copies from you temp tiddler(s) not the system clipboard.

You may find taking the template fieldname and value(s) and using them in a tiddler designed to filter and list tiddlers you want to apply this two would be easier to use than going to each tiddler.

  • If you have a tiddler title and fieldname you need not copy the field value because you can retrieve it as needed.

There are possibly half a dozen ways to achieve what you are asking.

I have some other ideas to help here.