CodeMirror 6 plugin Beta

5.3.3 is normal in my site for cm6

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I recently added some completions based on your plugin, such as image completion, title completion, code snippet completion, character count and minimap . My next step is to write lang-tiddlywiki.

Hello @oeyoews

Would you like to share your code with me?
I’d be very interested to integrate your extensions in the plugin.

Best wishes,

cm6’s completion icon seems to be good

I think I have reimplemented the codemirror’s widget completion, title completion image completion macro completion snippets completion(support placeholder), min length completion.

now, tiddlywiki-codemirror-6 support codeblock highlight(markdown)



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Great job! Wonderful.

@BurningTreeC It turns out that codemirror5 has parsing support for tiddlywiki.

And according to the type of each codeblock, has different autocompletion.

Just a little progress on lang-tiddlywiki

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Hello @StS

I cannot tell you much about your problem.
I can only tell that it doesn’t occur in a fresh 5.3.3 install - I tested it.

That means the problem must be caused by another plugin or modification

Hello @BurningTreeC,
maybe I should more clear: Pressing Strg + F in a long tiddler will not bring up the menu - you have to scroll down…
I double checked it - it’s since v5.3.3.

Ah ok @StS

That’s something different
You need to be precise with your descriptions

Hello @BurningTreeC, may I ask you, if you are going to fix this issue?

Additional (working before 5.3.3):

Searching a word

won’t bring it into focus

you have to scroll up a little bit, than the highlighted search is shown:

Thanks, Stefan

Hello @StS ,

which version of the plugin are you using?
My version or the one by @oeyoews ?

Thank you,

Hello @BurningTreeC,
I’m using yours :slight_smile:
Regards, Stefan

That’s nice @StS :slightly_smiling_face:
I thought people would use @oeyoews version now…
Can you have a look at the TiddlyFlex page? There’s also a new codemirror plugin version, maybe it solves the issue…

Thank you,