Banner Image Competition for v5.3.4

We’re hoping to release TiddlyWiki v5.3.4 on June 27th. As usual, we’re holding a competition to design the banner image that is shown on the splash screen and within the opening HelloThere tiddler.

Ideally, the artwork should reflect some of the changes in the new version. I’ve updated the release note for the prerelease:

Entries will be accepted until Monday 24th June 2024 at 8am UK time. We will then hold a vote here to determine the winner.

The other rules/guidelines for the competition are:

  • The version number must be clear and readable even when the banner is shown at a reduced size
  • The version number must use the correct punctuation including the “v” prefix and clear full stops between the numbers
  • The image must be a PNG or JPEG of exactly 560x315 pixels
  • Note that the image is displayed at a smaller size on , so check that your artwork is legible at the display size (the scaling is done in order to yield good quality on hi-dpi displays)
  • The image need not include the word “TiddlyWiki”. The banner image is only used in contexts where it is clear that it is about TiddlyWiki
  • Feel free to enter an updated version of artwork that was a runner-up in a previous competition
  • Reply to this message with your entry, or any questions
  • Please give lots of feedback here to encourage the artists

Good luck! I’ll be looking forward to seeing the entries.

Best wishes



Also as usual, I’ll compile entries for easy comparison (something I started in one prior competitions when the thread here (or at google groups, probably, since it was long ago) got pretty cluttered with entries and related conversation):

It also gives you an easy way to check out the history of the banner competition since v5.1.21, including both winners and other contestants from prior versions.



Thank you @Springer much appreciated.

Best wishes


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OK folks, this is just to launch the party in a festive way :partying_face::

First version (initially intended as just a placeholder, highlighting the confetti element of the tour feature)…:



Oh, right. I realize that editing an old post won’t get the edits to show up for folks who are on email. So here’s a somewhat more serious (albeit still silly [EDIT: psychedelic?]) take on new features:

psychedelic tour

The leaflet feature logo — somewhat modified (rotationally) here — is lifted from the leaflet site. I assume that would be ok, since we’re referencing leaflet because of integration, yes?


Why did you remove the very first one? I did like it because of it’s simplicity.


Is way tooo busy - but thought was kinda cute so had to share it :flushed:



OK, I’ll edit the first post to put the simplest one back in the pool. :slight_smile:

Alluding to the new “geo” features, a TiddlyScape skyline.


Larger size for vanity display


Maybe something like that:


Satisfaction guaranteed? :wink:

And that’s an invitation to make a reservation

The voting has closed, and @duarte.framos’s design has been declared the winner. Congratulations to @duarte.framos and thank you to everyone who entered.


Congrats @duarte.framos !

…Of course, we already knew you were good at this stuff from when you made the TW fish poster several years ago! :grin:

Wow you still remember that? Long time, had forgotten all about it. :grin:

Thanks glad you guys like it. I always mean to participate on these banner contests but some times I run out of time, others of inspiration, and I never manage to. This time I made it.