I am not sure if my code is buggy or the custom widget method is budggy.
Paste the following into a tiddler on tiddlywiki.com
- You will see two ? icons.
- Click on one then the other, they don’t both open at once but the content of both is the content of the second one.
- The first seems to work as expected when the second one is deleted.
- Its like the two invocations of the same widget are confused.
- I had it working before.
There is self documentation in this tiddler for a work in progress, I just can’t understand where it goes wrong and why?
\procedure cp-popup-state() <$macrocall $name=qualify title={{{ [<cp-popup-prefix>addsuffix<cp-n>] }}}/>
\widget $custom.popup()
<$parameters cp-name={{$:/core/images/help}} cp-display-filter="[<display-filter>!is[blank]else<currentTiddler>]" cp-popup-prefix="$:/temp/custom.popup" cp-button-class="tc-btn-invisible" $params="cp-params">
<$setmultiplevariables $names="[<cp-params>jsonindexes[]]"
$values="[<cp-params>jsonindexes[]] :map[<cp-params>jsonget<currentTiddler>]">
<$list filter=<<cp-display-filter>> variable=~ emptyMessage=<<!cp-display-filter>> >
<$button popup=<<cp-popup-state>> tooltip=<<cp-tooltip>> class=<<cp-button-class>> >
<$reveal type="popup" state=<<cp-popup-state>> position=<<cp-position>> >
<div class="tc-drop-down" style.padding=".5em .5em .5em .3em" >
<$slot $name="ts-raw">
\end $custom.popup
;Simplest form <<n>>
content <<cp-n>>
<$custom.popup cp-n=2>
<<cp-n>> <<cp-popup-state>>
;Internal variables make use of the custom popup prefix `cp-` leaving all others available
* `<<cp-name>>` name or button transclusion to use on button,
** default=`{{$:/core/images/help}}` {{$:/core/images/help}}
* `<<currentTiddler>>` as usual (is not changed)
* `<<cp-tooltip>>` tooltip then appears on popup button (no default)
* `<<cp-display-filter>>` uses existing variable or currentTiddler by default.
** * `<<!cp-display-filter>>` what to display instead of popup button if do not pass display-filter test (no default)
* `<<cp-popup-state>>` A concatenation of the following used as popup state tiddler title
** `<<cp-popup-prefix>>`
** `<<cp-n>>` a number of string to add uniqueness to a tiddler when $custom.popup is used more than once in the same context (like current tiddler)
* `<<cp-button-class>>`
* `<<cp-position>>` Position: left, above, aboveleft, aboveright, right, belowleft, belowright or below (as per reveal widget
* `<<cp-@params>>` all parameters and values in JSON
* Broken after cp-prefixes added
* two areas showing on ether click
* cp-n qualifier not working?
** both showing the same content