Are there any examples for the use of TW as infoscreen?

I would need something functional and elegant for the entrance of a school.
Would be nice to have a search as well as a timebased cycle mechanism

Don’t know if a timed-cycle is possible yet with the Tour Plugin but @jeremyruston did mention that @saqimtiaz had added some good PRs to it.

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I’m not sure what you mean here by “infoscreen”. Are you thinking something like a portal or dashboard front page, something that would give visitors to a site a lot of high-level information with links to more detailed information? Or would it be more of a static/partly dynamic page that is shown on a very large monitor when people come through a front entrance?

I would like to show informations the guests of the building or pupils should see or should be able to search. Either displayed by choice of the guest or if there is no choice by a list

I’m sorry, but I’m still not quite understanding. Is this a physical monitor users will be able to only view? A kiosk with which they can interact? A webpage that they will visit on their own machines?

I’ve used TW as a “heads up display” before. You can do things like detect the browser width / height / OS to detect if your TW should run in “kiosk” mode or not. Then you can conditionalize stylesheets and transclusions to customize your heads up display.

Please post photos if you end up pursuing this - sounds like a cool project.

The first certainly, the second if possible.

I have no experience with this. But I can easily imagine it overlapping with my recent request: trying to build a layout that is sometimes a typical story-river/sidebar layout and other times is a single-tiddler view covering the entire viewport. I’m currently building up the infrastructure I need to start playing with those suggestions, and will share what I find.

@JanJo I was involved in setting up kiosk computers for a large airline and the bigger issues is securing the computer so they can only see the software you want to present to the user. Often supported by a touch screen, so the keyboard and mouse do not need to be made available and thus additional attack vectors.

From an application perspective tiddlywiki is a great platform on which to define an infoscreen / kiosk. However it is important to consider the security issues first, if you want access to the local area network, Intranet sites or even content on the internet new security issues arise.

  • A read only tiddlywiki, perhaps hosted elsewhere
  • Read only mode to stop even temporary editing (or they could build a trojan)
  • No browser bookmark/let access
  • Not only may you need to lock down the computer, but also the browser so people dont hack there way in.
  • TiddlyDesktop has different security profile to a browser based implementation etc…

In some ways you must assume that someone using the infoscreen has at least the access to resources it needs to operate but may also help someone gain access to the desktop, lan, internet etc… and could have malware installed :frowning_face:

Data is the key, how to collect the info you want to present?

With data inside you wiki, there is a Visualization Dashboard plugin. I’m using this to summerize info from my calendar layout.