Announcing the release of TiddlyMemo: Lifelong knowledge, deep in the Sea of Mind

I’ve been working on the Fishing plugin for almost a year, and when I recommended it to users who hadn’t come across TiddlyWiki, they generally said they didn’t know how to use it.

So I recently took advantage of my vacation to make a TiddlyMemo Edition that focuses on learning and memorization to solve this problem.

It contains the Fishing plugin and related dependencies, all configured and ready to use.

:squid: TiddlyMemo — Lifelong knowledge, deep in the Sea of Mind

TiddlyMemo uses advanced Incremental Learning concepts to make it your powerful second brain for acquiring lifelong knowledge.

Read Articles like SuperMemo

You can take notes, import books or other articles for Incremental Reading, and excerpt sentences as you read.

Learn languages like LingQ

You can annotate unfamiliar foreign words as you read.

Memory Notes like Anki

You can memory excerpted sentences, annotated words and notes.

These languages are currently supported

:squid: TiddlyMemo Manual — en-GB

:squid:墨屉手册 — zh-Hans

Can’t wait? Click on the corresponding language above to jump!


@oflg Have you seen this use of dynannotate to create Q&A and clozes.

Thanks for the recommendation, I will take a closer look and consider using dynannotate to create Q&A and cloze cards directly.

The video looks great, did you make it?

If you’ve written some code, maybe try PR here (GitHub - oflg/fishing-catchfish: Integrate Incremental Learning into TiddlyWiki.)

No it’s not mine. I saw it in the google group

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This is an interesting proof of concept by telmiger showing flippy cards.


I think @Sii created it.

@Sii if you could share the code, it would be useful to @oflg for his tiddlymemo project.

Hi, thanks for the tip.

I will recently start trying to add the ability to edit the tiddler directly in the popup.

It’s not a question of if it can be done, but if it’s necessary.

Currently you can click the edit button in the popup and jump to the tiddler, which does seem a bit cumbersome.

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