About the Tips & Tricks category

Create new topics in this category that collate or summarize information on common or useful subjects that have been discussed in other topics. — DON’T post questions in the main post!

  • Posts in the this category will be community edited for clarity and correctness, and merged and moved as needed.

  • Create new topics in this category that collate or summarize information on common or useful subjects that have been discussed in other topics.

  • Keep the topics in “Tips & Tricks” concise and easy to locate pertinent information in. Any further discussion or questions on the topic should be in the discussion thread and not in “Tips & Tricks”.

  • Do not move topics from other categories to “Tips & Tricks”. Summarize or transclude the useful post(s) so that users need not read the entire thread to obtain the pertinent information.

  • Questions should be posted in “Discussion” and not in “Tips & Tricks”.

  • Before creating a new topic please check if there is an existing topic on the same subject and if so, update the wiki post in that topic.

  • Before writing new content and posting it directly to “Tips & Tricks”, consider if it would benefit from discussion and review first and if so, post it to Discussion. Once the content has been discussed a post can be created in “Tips & Tricks” that transcludes the original post.

  • By posting in this category you grant permission to use your contributions to create, update on improve upon TiddlyWiki documentation.