Let's talk about the "Showcase" category

IMO the “Showcase” is one of the most interesting things on this Discourse.

Why? Because it is the simplest way to demonstrate real ends to new users.

It could be a serious promotional vehicle for TW.

Couple of things …

1 — could we add a button to such posts to social repost them? For instance to be able to repost the item to Twitter.

2 — maybe some guidelines, also, on what to mention. For instance, @Mohammad, Showcased, rightly, at TW Icons from Morosanuae, but he didn’t mention it has 47,000 + icons. Details matter.

I think “Showcases” will do more than anything to promote TW. But I also think what info we present about them matters somewhat.

Best wishes, TT


That should be an easy fix. Just tell him or add a comment.

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Ciao @pmario. TBH, I wasn’t trying to upstart @Mohammad. Rather I wanted to try open up the idea that in presenting “Showcase” wiki we might better present basic facts about each of them. What is it for? How big is it? What is interesting in how it works?

IMO visitors need context to grasp what a special wiki does. Something like that.

Best wishes, TT

edit - There is a wiki About the Showcase category already. You may just edit it

If you create a “About the Showcase category” similar to: About the How To category I’ll pin it and make it a wiki.