A practical Sidebar-Notes-Addon for the streams plugin

I made a tiny addon that gives you the possibility to collect notes with @saqimtiaz streams-plugin in the sidebar.

$ _plugins_JJ_streams_usernotessidebar.json (454 Bytes)

For Streams Newbies: You can use @fastfreddy 's StreamsMod, which gives you practical export options to streams,

For the Sidebar-Notes proposed here, it is most practical with the sidebar-resizer

Beware: It temporarily removes sitetitle, search and sitecontrols it the tab is chosen, to have more space to take notes.
I hope you find this useful.

If you would describe, how to setup and use it.

If you already use @saqimtiaz ’ great streams plugin, using this is very easy:Just drag the json into your wiki and you will see a sidebar tab. If a username is set, you can take notes in the tab and they are stored in tiddlers $:/usernotes/[USERNAME]