A multi-column Layout / Storyview

Hi @TiddlyTweeter , now I think the Ensemble saver is implemented with your desired functionality - which is - saving stylesheet tiddlers and loading them on demand.
I have also found a bug in the Ensemble saver which is now fixed.


Ciao @BurningTreeC, I did quick test with beta v68 for style management via Ensemble.
Works really well! Tx!


I use sidetabs in my wiki which appears on clicking the info button on the right side of the tiddler body as shown in the image below or by using alt+Z shortcut.

I use it mainly in my wiki based on krystal, so it works fine.

But when I use it in multicolumn or anyother storyview, the sidetabs goes beyond the bottom margin of the tiddler.

Is there any way to adjust the height of the tiddler body depending on the height of the sidetabs.

This is the tiddler responsible for the sidetabs - MultiColumn Layout — a non-linear personal web notebook

Here is the demo

I know that its not a problem specific to multicolumn. It works fine only in krystal since the tiddler height doesn’t matter in krystal. Unless there is an easy solution, you don’t have to respond to this request.

Is there keyboard shortcut to navigate to the current active tiddler (useful when we have scrolled to some other tiddler for cross referencing)
I saw a similar implementation in this wiki - https://keynav.tiddlyhost.com/
But this use javascript I guess.

I tried this code based on your other navigation shortcuts.

<$navigator story="$:/StoryList" history="$:/HistoryList">
<$set name="currentTiddler" value={{{ [list[$:/StoryList]{$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler}] ~[list[$:/StoryList]nth[1]] }}}>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>

This seem to work. Is this the correct way to do. I am not sure about the correctness of the code used. Again this is may not be compatible with multicolumn. So something similar for multicolumn also might be useful.

Hi @arunnbabu81 ,

With version 0.71.0 of the plugin there’s a keyboard shortcut (Alt-T) to scroll to the active tiddler

For the problem with your sidetabs try the following:

Your .rightside div is “absolutely” positioned. Change that to relative
Add float: right; to your .rightside div
Add the following to your stylesheet:

.rightside::after {
  content: " ";
  display: table;
  clear: both;

This could make it work

Best wishes,


TEST #12 - Performance With 150 Tiddlers Showing

Ten columns of 15 Tiddlers.
Tested on Firefox Windows latest with MCL beta v68.0
Result: Good Performance

Visible in Viewport …

All in Page (including off-screen) …


Comment On Alt + F MCL Search

The search process surprised and interested me!

MCL implements dynamic “live reductive search”.

Meaning that Tiddlers are hidden that have no match with the search term.

That is very useful.

And the filtered down presentation persists until explicitly dismissed by clicking the “X” on the Alt + F search.

Here is an example with a search applied …


Comment On CSS In MCL: Lean & Mean :smiley:

Having used it a bit now I have to say the CSS in @BurningTreeC’s MCL is nicely logical, easy to use and effective.

When he gets out of beta I think it would be a good idea to help him …

  • document the main MCL CSS classes and what they do???

A lot of the power of MCL (it’s vast flexibilities) inheres in understanding it’s CSS???

Thought, TT

Thanks @BurningTreeC
It works perfectly. Now I can use multicolumn without any compromises.

Wow, @TiddlyTweeter … you’re really putting it through its paces
Great that performance-wise it works well :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, I really wanted that functionality since I have many tiddlers with documentation open (in my work-wiki) and I’m often in the situation where I need a specific documentation fast

I’m now trying to put together something like a documentation
Have a look at the demo page (here) and open the Ensemble “Documentation” … there you’ll find important css classes and you can show the elements on the page

Best wishes,

1 Like

You’re welcome @arunnbabu81 , glad that it works well for you!

Best wishes,

Very good demo! Shows which classes to use, where! It is great it is visual! Very clear!

FYI, in practice, so far, I only actually really used these …

Best, TT

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Ciao @BurningTreeC

My guess is long-term there could be a whole secondary level of developments to leverage MCL (Not necessarily by you! Don’t panic :smiley:! )

But I did want to comment on a couple of things I’m working on …

  • Adding a button to dynamically toggle the value of $:/config/story-river/horizontal/columns from 1 to 4.
    Why? I found in practice, especially on making new wiki, activating “horizontal” in different ways increases utility.

  • Adding ability to HIDE a column.
    In my use case I’m getting into the habit of using one column for the macro and css editing I need to do. But an end user never needs to see these so I’m working on hiding that column on startup.

Those are a couple of examples which I think pretty easy to achieve because the design of MCL lends itself to it :smiley: !

Comments, TT

Yes, I hope that, with enough documentation, users will be able to create additional functionality on their own :slightly_smiling_face: … so that I don’t have to panic :smiley:

Best wishes,

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@BurningTreeC One thing I noticed today

When a tiddler is in fullscreen mode, if we try to open another tiddler from the sidebar search or using the command palette, the newly opened tiddler can be seen only if I come out of the fullscreen mode.

Thanks for reporting @arunnbabu81 ,

This should be fixed in the newest version 0.74.0

Best wishes,

1 Like

Footnote to my previous …

One thing I’d be interested in is illustration of how to style items tagged $:/tags/TopToolbar and $:/tags/BottomToolbar.

Are these the default classes for those?
I see in code classes like this …

Yes? :smiley:

Buongiorno, TT

Buongiorno @TiddlyTweeter ,

yes these classes are correct!


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Some fun @BurningTreeC!

Like a logo for you :smiley:

Burning tree SVG … link-1 & link-2

Just a riff, TT

#TEST 14 - Wikis That Use …$:/tags/TopToolbar

We haven’t looked much yet at what MCL can do with headers & footers.

I think it is really good—providing a way to give an overall header easily.

For example …

Best, TT

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