Zoomin info messes with svg rendering somehow

I am not sure what I said that “is not quite right”, if i look at the generated svg it contains a lot of id attributes set and they must be unique, and are not as soon as you display a second diagram. I am not contesting anything else you said including in your most recent reply.

I would be happy for someone to contest what I did say, if its wrong.

Hi @TW_Tones indeed, I should have made clear that some parts of your explanation are correct. But the conclusion (that Mermaid is doing the wrong thing) is not correct, and your explanation omits the key technical detail.

Hmmm, you’re probably right.

I’d bet that Jeremy is definitely right.

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FFR, I solved this by wrapping the svn in a shadow dom. This meant I also had to copy in my styling that is relevant for the SVG.