X-tabs: like the tabs macro but draggable, edit each tab inside the same tiddler

I made a macro-ish parameterized transclusion that makes tabs like the tabs macro, but with extra.

Each tab has a button that can be used to drag and reorder a list field saved into the $:/state tiddler for the tab, so it can be reordered independent of a tag’s list field.

It can also open a draft mode right under the tabs without navigating to a new tiddler.

I made it easy to change the icon and CSS for easy customization, and the tabs will use a caption field over the title if available for flexibility of appearance.

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Nice solution! specially the in place edit mode.

See also Wikilabs Home — A home for: Plugins, Editions and Themes! from @pmario.

Thanks! The in place edit mode took me a while to figure out as the documentation for the draft mechanism is barely enough for a non-programmer like me to understand.

I’m not sure if my save changes button is “right” but it works, I didn’t use the widgetmessages like tm-new/save/edit-tiddler because I didn’t want the navigating to tiddlers happening.

Is there any way of negating the navigation from those messages or is hacking together a bunch of actions in a button without those messages the best way of doing it?