Workflow using Tiddlyclip + html2tw macro + Section editor

Here I want to show how I use @buggyj 's Tiddlyclip with @Mark_S 's html2tw macro and @Mohammad’s Section editor to clip useful materials from talk tiddlywiki forum (or TW google groups). This works best on Chrome browser for talk tiddlywiki posts.

Check out this tiddler in my demo wiki. It was clipped from a post in talk tiddlywiki forum using minimal steps.

  1. Clipping the first message of this post - First copy the author’s name into clipboard and select the text you want to clip. Right click and select the second option formatsnipAsTw5 from the contextmenu.

    Now paste the copied author’s name into the dialog box with H1 or any heading formatting .

  2. Repeat the same for the third message in the post.
    This is the resultant tiddler

  3. Now click on the viewtoolbar button (thanks to @JanJo) shown in the image given below to add se-type field to the tiddler so that section editor is activated.
    Resultant tiddler looks like this

I am finding this workflow to be very convenient. A similar work flow can be achieved for streams also. Here is a list of Tiddlyclip configurations I have made with the help of BJ


@arunnbabu81 another great practical one from you!

I think these kind of demos shed a lot of light on how to do everyday practical things in TW. Good to see!

BTW for what you are working on, I think, using @BurningTreeC’s MCL is a very good choice on the newer Alternative page layout system.

Just a side comment, TT