I need a widget:
Which lets us specify a javascript tiddler which can be used to call rest apis and insert their results into the rendering of the page. The widget takes its current list of variables and passes it to the Javascript tiddler, then awaits the promise, which should resolve to an object or Map, and sets the key-values as wikitext variables for its children.
It also lets us specify a refresh tiddler which causes the widget to refresh the variables if the rendered plain text of the tiddler changes. If this is expensive it would be reasonable to put some logging in place to make the user aware of how often it is updating, or whatever the TiddlyWiki version of that is.
It should follow the TW5 standard expectations for widgets as it will eventually make its way into the TiddlyWiki core or core-adjacent plugins (or at the very least be used here as a standard widget).
The widget may dictate what form the Javascript code returns inside the promise, but it should expect it to be some kind of list of variables which it makes available to its children.
I do very little with widgets, or even with wikitext, so maybe this already exists.
More details are here: I need a $set widget which gets its variable list from calling a JavaScript function and awaiting a promise · Issue #6 · TiddlyWiki/MultiWikiServer · GitHub