What am I missing:
As we know, version 5.3.0 will introduce procedures as a superior alternative to macros. There is also the introduction of parametrized transclusions.
But why will macros or procedures at all be needed if we have paramertrized transclusions? I.e why would I call <<myprocedure foo>>
when I can transclude {{mytiddler|foo}}
that has the same “content”?
What is possible with a procedure that is not possible with a parametrized transclusion?
As we know, macros/procedures require special tags and they refresh the page when updated and you can’t quite “live update” them because of this. This is not the case with transclusions (…or maybe it is for paramatrized such?)
Given the amount of work, and the excitement, that have gone into enabling procedures I’m obviously missing something, but what?