Why is comment plugin not mentioned in the official documentation site

From some comments here, I learned about the official comments plugin.

But it is not mentioned in the official list of plugins despite being four years old.


I’d like to use this plugin if it’s still available, or use any replacement if it exists.

Can anybody point me to the plugin (not the github page !) or to another one having the same behaviour ?



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@frd Sure thing, on any tiddlywiki connected to the internet, go into settings > plugins > Get More Plugins button at the top, and when the list of plugins appear, type comments in the search bar, it will bring up the comments plugin.

As for why it isn’t mentioned in the official list of plugins, good question, I imagine because it’s a newer plugin. other then that, I can’t imageine why it wouldn’t be. :man_shrugging:

Hi @Justin_H
Thanks a lot !
It’s been a while since I last installed plugins so I didn’t remember how to do it.
As the repository opened it seemed the comment plugin is already installed in TW 5.3.2.

Now it’s working.