Why Gatha is a Game Changer?

This is a fantastic project. We sorely need tools that help create more productive plugin developers for TiddlyWiki. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses!


What I mean here is the ability when looking at the plugin “tree” in Gatha to see the tags on the various plugin tiddlers. It helps quickly identify tags (with a tag pill) that are otherwise hidden until you open the tiddler.

In my solution development wikis I use my own tool reimagin-tags.json (9.5 KB) which turbo charges the tag pill. From just the tag pill you can copy it, open or close the tagged tiddlers and more including the regular drag and drop order. So hopefully you can see the value of displaying the “plugin tiddlers” tags in in side the gatha tree?

Thanks for your considered relies.


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I think this is how https://github.com/tiddly-gittly/TiddlyWiki-CPL working, it will fetch github releases and wikis to local, and check the update.

Gatha can generate JSON wiki, and put it somewhere to be a download link. And fill that link into CPL will allow CPL check its update every hour via gh-actions.


Your effort will make TW community thrive for a longer time~

I have recommended Gatha in our Chinese tutorial site, and I will recommend people use Gatha to pack up their mini-changes to their wiki, and share them with the community.


Can Gatha act like Bundler?

Well bundler is handy plugin and has easy interface for exporting, sharing, and backing up tiddlers and tools! So, it is a very useful, and is recommended to be used!

However, if for any reason you have Gatha, then it has a backup feature!

  • click on create new plugin (acts as a container)
  • add publisher name and plugin name
  • save
  • now you can add tiddlers to your newly created container
  • export the container (backup json file)

That’s all!

You can drag and drop this container to any wiki you like!
If target wiki has the Gatha installed, then you have the container for edit and re-export there!

Thanks for that, @Mohammad

Can you confirm…

does NOT create a plugin or change/modify any tiddler types?


  • The create new plugin creates only a simple tiddler e.g. $:/plugins/kookma/bundle01
  • Then you can add existing tiddlers to Extra tiddlers part (you may create new tiddlers to be exported…)
  • Click on the export backup json file
    • this creates the bundle on the fly! no json is created in the host wiki!

:heart: :heart_eyes:

Me likey. Lots.

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Just to let you know.

The next version of bundler-plugin will get a button to create a plugin-configuration tiddler from a bundle-config tiddler. The interface will be part of the tiddler info area and much more minimalistic than Gatha.

The reason for the delay is, that I need more functionality from the core tabs-macro, to “pimp” the tiddler info-area. There is a proposal about possible extensions of the tabs-macro at GitHub.


Hi @Mohammad

Is Gatha able to create a demo wiki based on another TW edition than empty.html ? For example the fr-FR edition ?

For translation purposes it would be incredibly useful to me if I could export a complete working wiki based on the fr-FR edition of TW, with the addition of 2 of @pmario 's plugins, some utility tiddlers and some data tiddlers.

Amazing work you’re doing on Gatha by the way, everyone being so enthusiastic about it shows how important it will be for the community! A big thank you for Gatha and all your other contributions!


Hi Fred,
Yes, Gatha does this job easily!


IMPORTANT: backup your data first

  1. install Gatha in a wiki you like to reproduce it like fr-FR edition

  2. create a empty plugin from Gatha interface in the right sidebar

  3. add a readme or any tiddler to the new plugin draft

  4. from the Sidebar > More Tab> Gatha
    4.1. edit the publish filter

  5. now in Gatha interface, under your new created plugin tab, each time you click on the export demo, a tailored Tiddlywiki with all your customization will be exported!

NOTE: The created plugin actually is not required, but as Gatha is designed to export plugins, so the export button works that way! In future version I will add an edition project type. By the way it is good to have a readme or note tiddler to describe your edition.

Note ii: You can even have more customization e.g. per export, per plugin!

There are two publish filters:

The dedicated publishFilter is private to that plugin, so you can have several projects in the same production Tiddlywiki and generate several editions!

You can reproduce engineered wiki;-)


Hello @Mohammad, I just tried to import Gatha 1.0.1 into a fresh TW 5.3.2 and discovered a difference compared to Gatha 0.9.5. When I click “new plugin” the many plugin specific fields in the newly opened tiddler are missing.

After some searching around (I felt like a newbie) I found the settings in the More tab of the sidebar again. Switching the “hide / toggle” fields visibility seemed to work with existing plugins but not with the “new plugin” button.

Version 0.9.5 is still usable, so I am sticking with that. Just wanted to let you know.

Cheers, Thomas

Hi Thomas,

Thank for reporting this. I am waiting for TW 5.3.3 bug release and then push a new update.

Best wishes

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Hi Mohammad,

Today, I tested Gatha v1.0.2 from Gatha Studio Workspace — create and export plugins, editions, and packages in browser and found some missing tiddlers:

  • $:/config/gatha/EditTemplateBodyFilters/PluginMetaData
  • $:/config/gatha/ViewTemplateBodyFilters/PluginMetaData

They are not included in the plugin anymore. The plugin-drafts look as expected when I import them manually from v0.9.5. Also $:/config/gatha/PublishFilter is not included anymore – should I import it manually too?

All the best,

Hi Thomas,
Probably I did something wrong with update to TW 5.3.3.
I will have a look and push a new update this weekend.



I have only turned to Gatha now to create a plugin from what was previously a json package. I used relink to change all the source tiddlers to the required namespace, renamed the root tiddler to a subtiddler and created the plugin.

  • Since I am newly using to Gatha I don’t know what should be there, but certainly something is missing.
  • I am not sure how to edit the plugin info such as “Information tabs” as the field is visible in view mode but not edit, adding “Information tabs” field to the root plugin tiddler is ignored.
    • I add readme to Information tabs and have a tiddler pluginroot/readme
    • I found this should be in the list field of the plugin tiddler, but the IDE plugin is not up[dated.

Otherwise the packaging seems to work well.

Hi Tones
I post the three files from Gatha 0.9.5 that seem to be missing in the new version. They should add the plugin specific fields in edit and view mode.
Hope that helps,
missing-gatha-files.json (913 Bytes)


The plugin has been updated. Please read the doc first.