- One thing I want is to make sure you don’t burn out especially in the support phase but also adding features, perhaps you could see how to allow others to build compatible solutions by providing the documentation for such additions and/or expose some of its features eg variables, config or fields. Call on me if I can help (eg Plugin inspector)
- The best time to do this is now with it fresh in your mind.
- Perhaps make some room so the community can submit workflows or ways to use Gatha eg community submissions. When I start publishing through Gatha I will do some.
- One way I navigate and understand a plugin is to list the tags (as pills) on plugin shadow tiddlers. It allows the macros, view template sidebar etc… to stand out. This could be added to the Gatha tree and/or we could develop a “Plugin Inspector” that helps people navigate plugin content.
- I would like to see “data plugins” having some prominence. I would like to see the community publishing data plugins containing tiddlers of test date or useful resources from a list of fruits, to collected bookmarks, geological epochs etc… The ability to generate these, but also add and edit items in such a plugin and “republish” is something Gatha can do.
- Perhaps we could add a drafts tab to the plugins tab to allow us to see “Draft Plugins”?
Upgrade support
- At least when plugins are delivered via a library it is possible to check if a given plugin requires an update. Just before one goes to generate a “custom wiki” it would be nice if any plugins needing update in the source wiki was flagged. I have a wiki of collected plugins Gatha will help me package bundles of.
- Perhaps you could build a library dedicated to Gatha for future curation/collection of generator solutions?
- Is a key value of this solution producing a reference wiki to document a plugin and/or create a demo wiki?
- Is there a reason you are not saying it can generate editions?
- When we “load a plugin” (A feature I adore) do we really need to save and reload?
Future dreams - wiki to library
The same techniques and a zip output could be used to generate plugin libraries (collection of files containing plugins as a library) for unzipping on a host and/or Plugin wiki. This would be a good companion to Gatha and along with what Gatha provides it would assist somewhat time poor people start publishing more to the community.
It’s the old do it once and reuse, the more we help each other by smoothing the steps from A-B the more of us that can go from A-B,C etc… such that we are more likely to reach the stars.
Thanks for your acknowledgement of me (Anthony Muscio), you are very welcome.
Love your work @Mohammad