Why does the Zoomin storyview not change how many tiddlers are open?

I found it a bit odd that a theme focused on using one tiddler at a time would keep others loaded and not in use.

Why doesn’t it just close the tiddler open when a new tiddler is opened, and when that one is closed, open the last tiddler that was recorded, like what would be seen in $:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent ?

Could this be done, or was it not made that way for a specific reason?

If the behavior related to the recents tab would be cumbersome, is there a way to change it so when the zoomin theme is in use, only one tiddler can be open in the storyriver at a time?

As I understand they are not really loaded. They just exist in the story list.

With single file wikis, Except for external and skinny tiddlers basically all of tiddlywiki is loaded into memory from the beginning.

Ahh, ok that makes much more sense then.

though, I’m still curious if it will lead to any performance changes to have a large amount in the storylist but not loaded :thinking:

I don’t use Zoomin at all, in fact I tend to have a lot of tiddlers open, I use the open tab more like a list of what am I working on now, to switch between the tiddlers I opened. I am confident there is little if any impact but remember on tiddlers there is the “close other” button, On the Page Controls (side bar buttons) the close all button and that you can close tiddlers from the open tiddler tab.

  • I made tools for managing the current focused tiddler, which I suppose is a little like using the Zoomin view but with all tiddlers remaining open, but one that has the current focus. See here https://focus-tiddler.tiddlyhost.com/

I could see that being pretty useful for some larger, multi-tiddler projects.

I’m more or less messing about with how things look in a TW to emulate the front-end appeal of obsidian MD at the moment.

There are 1 or two things I enjoy about it, but no where near enough for me to want to move to it from tiddlywiki.

@Justin_H in the zoomin view, every tiddler visible in the Recent tab is still open in the story, just hidden. This has to do with the way that the animations work. The zoomin storyview should therefore not be thought of as a single tiddler mode.

With a few tiddlers open you likely wont feel any appreciable performance difference. However with a lot of tiddlers open concurrently, or where some of the open tiddlers are complex and take a large time to render, the wiki will indeed slow down.

There are community implementations of a single tiddler mode implementation that have been posted in this forum in the past that do not have this limitation.

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Oh, well that’ good to know, I gave a quick search for single tiddler views and found the one made by Yaisog, and it matches pretty well with what I had in mind.

Though, I have to admit, the animations of Zoomin are still pretty appealing, i might stick with it until my wiki begins to get too big again haha

As Saq wrote, it’s the number of open tiddlers that may make the UI appear to be slow. You only need to close some tiddlers. The size of the wiki itself is not important for the zoomin story view.

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Ah ok, I misunderstood, but I think I got it now, thank you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: