Why do posts need to be 20 characters?


@moderators WHY on this, where I simply want to say “right”, do I get … ???

Screenshot 2022-10-13 194147


Because it’s a built in feature of Discourse to cut down on noise. You can do “thumbs up” or a reaction.

Every post triggers (potentially) many different notifications for people – from front end to email.

It’s not something we can change from the default build.


Ok. Got it. It is a bit of a PITA.

Sometimes “Go for it!” is exactly the right 10 character response.

A comment

Or you can use the :rocket: emoji

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Because in a thousand years, future digital anthropologists need to find deep spiritual meaning in your enigmatic post: :rage: :rocket: :cowboy_hat_face:

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Lol! I’m not gonna hem & haw about this as it is a minor sport (=“not important”). Though I can prevision some outcome … :slight_smile:

Anthropologist: Claudio Numpty
Thesis: Ethnography of Linguistic Limitations in the Early Second Era of Server Mediated Communications, 2019 to 2027.
Abstract: A Bayesian statistical analysis of 1232 missives of user moanings are correlated with pre-extant rules required by online services that users use regularly (‘regular’ determined by assortive complex). Initial results indicate a general miasmic antipathy to server control of content expression. Further research may be indicated.


I’m impressed they were able to complete an analysis through 2027. They’re probably those time-traveling anthropologists we hear about in SciFi.

Either the brilliant anthropologist Claudio Numpty had access to The Tardis or subjected us all to a MacGuffin