Which trigger to use for Auto Complete plugin on mobile?

My issue is that it is that Auto Complete plugin is to trigger with [[ characters. This works fine on the desktop.

But on mobile these characters are not immediately accessible. They are hidden inside symbols keyboard.

How do you get around this problem on mobile?

I use ttt
There aren’t many words with three consecutive "t"s

More specifically I formulated some triggers like this:
A common prefix tt (tiddler titles) + a suffix indicating a more specific suggestion filter.

-ttsh for tiddlers and shadow tiddlers
-ttss for tiddlers and system tiddlers
-ttt for normal tiddler titles

Now that I think about it, I could also define other triggers using:
ttl+x β†’ tiddler title link

  • Type β€œtt+x” triggers with the template $option$$caret$

  • Type " ttl+x" triggers with the template [[$option$]]$caret$

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i use hh to trigger autocomplete plugin currently. would be interested to see what others are using!

i also use shift+z for save tiddler that is currently being edited (this is not an autocomplete function, just a keyboard shortcut i use on mobile which is not set up by default)