Where is the current tiddler set in zoomin mode?

In zoomin mode, I assume that there must be a tiddler or field somewhere that knows what tiddler is currently being focused. What tiddler/field is that?


I would assume it is still in the “current-tiddler” field of $:/HistoryList

Edit: some quick testing looks to confirm that field to still be the place.

If the most recent tiddler is closed, TW goes backwards through the History List to any other open tids.

Wait…after most tests.

It looks to go in order of the “Open Tiddlers” list.

  1. open 3 tiddlers.

  2. now open $:/HistoryList

  3. go to the Open tab and move the 1st tiddler that was opened to the top of the list.

  4. close the History tid.

  5. the first tid that was opened, now at the top of the Open list, should get focus, rather than the 3rd tid opened.