When You Dont Like the Macro Name, or Macro Params in Kookma Plugins

Note: This tip is created based on a user question.

I have installed some of kookma plugins, but I do not like the macro name and some complex lengthy list of input parameters. For example, I use table-dynamic in many of my wikis but its header is like

<<table-dynamic filter:"" fields:"" indexes:"" caption:"" sortOp:"sort" class:"" footerRows:"0" stateTiddler:"" editButton:"yes" pagination:"no" emptyMessage:"filter input is empty">>

How can I use customized name with tailored list of params?


The answer is simple, and you can use with any plugin including core macros/variables. Thanks to TiddlyWiki flexible structure.

Step 1. Create a tiddler tagged with $:/tags/Macro
Step 2. Create your own macro from plugin macro in this tiddler (you can have several tiddlers)
Step 3. Save :cat2:

Example: Use a customized dynamic table macro called table with only two input params filter and fields.

\define table(filter:"", fields:"")
<$macrocall $name=table-dynamic filter=<<__filter__>> fields=<<__fields__>> />

Then in any tiddler you like call new macro

<<table "[tag[HelloThere]]" "tbl-expand title tags">>