What would (this) AI make of TiddlyWiki?

Strangely, that’s a lot like some of my wikis :slight_smile:


A tip. Make a big grid in TW where each cell is an editable image.

What’s AI got to do with it?

Sketch me

I’ve also been experimenting with AIs, in this case a text-based one called GPT-3:

It’s got quite good knowledge of TiddlyWiki. The prompt “What are the 10 best things about TiddlyWiki?” gains the response:

  1. TiddlyWiki is an incredibly powerful and flexible tool for organizing and managing information.
  2. TiddlyWiki is extremely easy to use and learn, even for those with no prior experience with web development or programming.
  3. TiddlyWiki is highly portable, meaning it can be easily used on a variety of devices and platforms.
  4. TiddlyWiki is very lightweight, making it ideal for use on resource-constrained devices.
  5. TiddlyWiki is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the tool to their specific needs and preferences.
  6. TiddlyWiki is open source, meaning it is free to use and modify.
  7. TiddlyWiki has an active and supportive community of users and developers.
  8. TiddlyWiki is under active development, with new features and improvements being added on a regular basis.
  9. TiddlyWiki can be extended and integrated with a wide variety of other software tools and services.
  10. TiddlyWiki is simply an incredibly useful tool that can be used for a wide variety of tasks and purposes.

And here’s a dialogue with me asking questions to the AI (its responses are in bold):

What do they call the units of information in TiddlyWiki?

Tiddlers are the units of information in TiddlyWiki.

What is the purpose of tiddlers in TiddlyWiki?

Tiddlers are used to store and organize information in TiddlyWiki. They can be used to store anything from notes to images to entire blog posts.

How are tiddlers linked and tagged?

Tiddlers can be linked to each other using wiki markup. Tiddlers can also be tagged, which allows for easy organization and retrieval of information.

What are shadow tiddlers?

Shadow tiddlers are special tiddlers that are used to store settings and configuration information. They are not typically edited by users, but can be edited if necessary.

How do macros work?

Macros are small pieces of code that can be used to automate tasks or to generate output. They are typically used to generate dynamic content or to perform simple tasks such as displaying the current date.

One more. This AI has been trained on the internet, and so has a deep knowledge of pop culture. Here’s the response to “the script of a film of Sherlock Holmes teaching Elvis Presley how to use TiddlyWiki”:

SH: You see, Elvis, the key to using TiddlyWiki is organization.

ELVIS: Yeah, I can see that.

SH: You need to be able to find the information you’re looking for quickly and easily.

ELVIS: That makes sense.

SH: So, let’s start by creating a tiddler for each of your songs.

ELVIS: Okay.

SH: We’ll put the lyrics in one tiddler, the chords in another, and so on.

ELVIS: Sounds good.

SH: Then, we’ll create a link from each tiddler to the others that are related to it.

ELVIS: That way, I can find everything I need in one place.

SH: Exactly.

ELVIS: I think I’m getting the hang of this, Sherlock.

SH: I think you are, too, Elvis.

I’d highly recommend signing up for an account and trying it out for yourself.

That is both hilarious and disturbing :smiley: !
It is very impressive & I will definitely give it a shot.

Maybe, meantime, a human being can do a riff on @jeremyruston teaching SH? :blush:


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