What is whitespace?


what is whitespace and for what it is used ?

The output of above filter is -
New Tiddler 11

As described here:

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Hello Shaheen! You can find documentation about whitespace (and many other things, if you poke around) here at tiddlywiki.com:


It’s a search parameter that widens your search by allowing for any number of spaces or similar non-printing space-making characters (such as tab characters, returns, etc.) to occur wherever your search string (whatever it is) includes only a single space.

At tiddlywiki.com, you could make a new tiddler with contents like this:

{{{ [search:text:whitespace,case-insensitive[operand this]] }}}

and the resulting list would show the tiddler called search Operator, even though, in its text, there’s a line break between operand and This

Searching through css style declarations, which may or may not have intervening line breaks and tabs for visual clarity, might be an important use-case.

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Thanks for simple explanation :100:

Thanks a lot for your explanation :100:

@Shaheen_Merchant If your question is resolved, it’s helpful if you can tap the “solution” button at the bottom of the first reply that responds fully to your question. Then the thread shows up on the talk.tiddlywiki overview as resolved. :pray:

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