What is the most elegant way to code in a macro if a param exists use it here...otherwise a result produced by a filter

…as I already said in the very long title :wink:
For example if I take this qr-code macro

\define qr(text,caption)

<center><img src=<<makeqr text:"""$text$""" size:"400">>/><br>

How to use caption instead of text and if no caption is defined text elegantly?

\define qr(text,caption)

<center><img src=<<makeqr text:"""$text$""" size:"400">>/><br>

<a href="$text$"><$list filter="[[$caption$]!match[]else[$text$]]">{{!!title}}</$list></a>


Like this?


I think you care about “contains something”, not “existence”.

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