What is the difference between Stroll and tiddlywiki?

I doubt that Stroll is a tiddlywiki which add more plugins in it. But I am not sure of that.

Stroll is a TiddlyWiki with extra plugins and customizations.

So it is still a tiddlywiki.

Yes, Stroll is a souped up TiddlyWiki Saq and I made in early 2020. Fruit of the pandemic.

so you must use it rather than others.
Can you tell us what is its advantage over other versions?

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Two columns with buttons to divert tiddlers from one column to the next, bi-directional links with 3 ways of displaying back links to a tiddler under the tiddler, buttons in tiddlers that create children tiddlers that link back to their parents, the relink plugin that updates links to a tiddler when you change its title, autocomplete when you start to type a link, the resize plugin so you can drag the edge of the sidebar to resize it, the editor auto list plugin so if you write a bullet list or numbered list it will add the * or # on the next line when you hit enter, and add extra * or # when you hit indent. I am sure there are a few other things but those are the principal features. Other than the columns, everything else in Stroll can be added to a regular TiddlyWiki by installing plugins or swiping items from Stroll. Someone also created a copycat with a mind map plugin added in.


I can’t open your website. I don’t know why.

Stroll — A Roam-like experience in a free, downloadable file is the Stroll website.

It is my fault. I use a vpn and then access your website.