What does the term "wiki" mean to "TiddlyWiki"?

Let us also remember when considering tiddlywiki as a wiki the first part of the names is tiddly which implies small which when combined with “a non-linear personal web notebook” with the emphasis on “personal”, we see the expectations and scope is set.

  • tiddlywiki does go way beyond these humble claims such as being a platform for websites, applications, databases, structured information and rapid development.
  • As many of us have done, if you have a vision or a need you would like to implement in tiddlywiki, start a discussion, ask questions, contribute.

I still have been unable to install Skyrim or Doom onto TiddlyWiki. If someone could tell me what plugins I’m missing, that’d be great.

I know this is somewhat facetious, but there is a WebAssembly port of Doom (DooM and GitHub - cloudflare/doom-wasm: Chocolate Doom WebAssembly port with WebSockets support) so you could theoretically bundle that up into a plugin tiddler and have Doom in your wiki, minus the websockets / multiplayer. One of the old graphviz plugins wrapped a webasm build of graphviz, so the base technology can definitely be bundled into TiddlyWiki.

I’ve toyed with the idea of creating a plugin that integrates a fantasy console into TW just for kicks, but have never worked on it.

Yes! Now, now is the time!

I think this was uselessly somewhat rude and there was no problem with his question and answers.
He cans certainly have searched the term, but one obvious goal was also to express he didn’t know about it, when he was accused of doing it.

And to be honest it doesn’t seem to me that the concept of sealioning improved discussions and debates.

To answer the question, it seems like there is no clear definition of what a wiki is, and some assumes an essential part of it are the collaboration functionalities, and others don’t.

True, my response may have been a bit harsh, we all find times we should re-read and soften our words before posting, but we are all human, it happens.

As for the OPs question, he was not asking for help on using Tiddlywiki, but rather he was more concerned with the mundane about why “wiki” should be used in the name to begin with.

I have no problem with questioning and opening ideas for discussion, but he comes off as if he did all his research, stating how all over the internet “wikis” are collaborative and therefore this does not apply to that word. Ironically, with all his scouring of the internet, he never once thought to lookup the definition of a wiki in the largest Wiki in the world, “Wikipedia”, which not only mentions single user, non-collaborative wikis, but also mentions Tiddlywiki by name.

I guess it just bugged me that the impression of his posts was that of someone bringing knowledge and research to the plebs and yet he was incapable of doing the simplest of research before the initial post.


True, my response may have been a bit harsh, we all find times we should re-read and soften our words before posting, but we are all human, it happens.

Yes, no problem. Mostly my aim was to express to @FrittRo (if he still read this topic), that we not all agree that he did anything wrong, or with some of the answers he got, given I saw no other comment about it (I don’t want to blame you).

For the rest, I think we come from different assumptions about how we interpret these kinds of questions and their intended goals (it didn’t come off as a way to educate the plebs at all to me, but like a way to start a discussion about a subject and see if he was missing something).

Also I agree it would be possible, even simple, to find the answer on internet, but you would get different and sometime incoherent answers about these kinds of questions, and I think it is more aimed to people who like to discuss it : If you feel some level of obligation to answer it could very well feel like a waste of people time, but not much if you take it like an invitation to debate for people who like it.

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I dont want to judge anyone, but as a first responder and spending some time answering what I thought was a genuine question to have either my ideas or the argument about wikis or colaboration dismissed as an after thought was uncomfortable. I thought I and others had put forward a good arguement.

It may have being a little soon to clasify it as “sealioning”, which I had never heard of, but I recall at the time feeling somewhat put apon by @FrittRo. I understand that in a community we rely on the maintance of approximate social norms of civility and I thought it was fair for this to be called out at the time.

I am quite tollerant of both moods that can affect people and neuro divercity, and its true we should do our best to tollerate differences but we also hope that we can maintain this civility because it has made this forum one of the best.

If you look through all the community members responces even @CasperBooWisdom attempt to explain what was objectionable, they were all resonable, and thoughtful and for those in the know who @jeremyruston is, gave the definative explanation.

Just remember chat forums are a limited form of communication and not always perfect at communicating the subtlties of human conversation.

Of course @FrittRo is welcome to continue in the forum, and I hope will not take this personaly, we do not know @FrittRo “from a bar of soap” and as a community we simply ask for a little more thoughtful/respectful discussions. If anyone has the chance they will discover this is one of the most open and constructive forums available and we should not be supprised if it occasionaly has an “immune responce” to protect itself.

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I also think it is one of the most open and constructive forums, the community is quite good. I hope Frittro will not take it personally or think something bad about the community (and I hope this interaction help).

(I still think the attempt to explain what could be frustrating for some, could have been a little more cautious, but that’s ok)



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There is no failure except in no longer trying - Chris Bradford

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