Volunteer needed to maintain the Catalan translation of TiddlyWiki

Many thanks to Paco Rivière who is stepping down after 8 years of steady contributions to the Catalan translation plugin for TiddlyWiki.

It would be great to hear from anyone who might be able to take over. Making updates to translations doesn’t require any knowledge of GitHub; I or another core developer can make the PR given a single file TiddlyWiki of the changes made with the translators edition.

An idea… perhaps a pipe dream: Just maybe it would be possible to automate these things nowadays to solve it once and for all? Maybe some AI can look at all translations so to get the gist of what a certain word or prompt should mean so it doesn’t translate it awkwardly. Or perhaps if the (human) translators can add a “supporting sentence” to clarify what an otherwise contextless word means, to ensure it is properly translated…

Yes, I call translator API in github action of GitHub - linonetwo/CDDA-Kenan-Modpack-Chinese: (最新实验版)Kenan's 大型 modpack 社区汉化版 For Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead , to auto translate a game.

Github action upload auto-translated content (at low stage) to paratranz.cn/ , so anyone can check the translated content and modify it. Human modified content is at high stage, so won’t be overwrite by auto translated content in this process. (that website record a stage field for each text)

So involving auto-translation should also involve a stage field.