[Vision] A Re-Play Configuration of Wiki UI States Synced to a Video

Inspired by TW_Tones thoughts about “subtiddlers in non-plugins” I want to write about an idea that bothers me for some time already.


I’d like to call a defined wiki state a snapshot.
A snapshot is a plugin-like tiddler, that can contain state and content tiddlers


A sequence it a configuration tiddler, that contains a timeline, how to replay snapshots.


A wiki collection is a container for snapshots.

So a collection contains snapshot-tiddlers and sequence-tiddlers, that can be used to re-play different UI states. There can be several sequence tiddlers


The whole thing should be playable and synced with a video. So I want to play a video linked in a tiddler and the wiki should “play the UI in sync” …

Would that be cool??

… Just brainstorming :wink:

PS: My bundler plugin is good at creating configurations, defining the tiddlers which should be part of such a snapshot. — It also knows how to create plugins instead of bundles. … kind of :slight_smile:

A bundle may contain several collections and some content tiddlers that link to a video. May be the bundle also contains the plugins needed to interact with the video, in sync with the UI playback. … Just dreaming …

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These are interesting ideas, Mario.

My one immediate suggestion is that the term “envelop” might be meaningful i the sense that the Empty file + State tiddlers can be thought of an an Envelop into which tiddlers are placed.

I really appreciate that “playing” a Sequence of tiddlers could really bring a new level of workFlow management into being.

I agree. “It would be cool!”


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So you suggest Envelop instead of Collection. right? … I think I like it.

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hmmm. Using it as a workflow management tool, is a new usecase I did not consider yet. It would need some planing but should be doable. … Nice idea.

I also like the name and the concept! I’d suggest using Envelope (the noun) instead of “envelop” (the verb), though, if you’re looking for something similar to Collection. :slight_smile:

I’m interested to see where you take this!

Agreed. Being German, I tend to capiatise Nouns and not verbs.

Being into Wiki(s) CamelCase is where I really thrive.

Finally, being focused on Strings Symbols UniCode and Encodes, I know there are a great many more nonWords than there are Words. Hence strings like “0z” become wonderfully unique seach targets.

@pmario interesting ideas. I would suggest avoiding the word snapshot as “snapshots” tend to be static unless you call the action or settings or state snapshots.

  • I previously created a snapshot tool for html images and/or images which is about a static representation.

I have addressed something similar to replay configuration using bookmarklets and “in tiddler links”.

I also have a proof of concept on specialy crafted tiddlers that I call action tiddlers that you can drop and click to do canned actions.

I am keen to work on this vision with you and suggest us remaining open to new ideas as long as practical. Basicaly I think we can use convergence of a few concepts to come up with a powerful model on which to build.

I did update the OP to use State-Snapshot

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Currently we do have a problem with bookmarks. With v5.2.2 it was possible to directly drop a plugin tiddler to the browser bookmarks area and it was possible to import it from there. … There is an open GH issue about this problem.

Yes I also raised this with tiddler drag and drop accross browsers, but with bookmarklets packaged in a tiddler bookmarklets can easily be shared, installed and executed in wiki.

Yea, I think with the bookmarklets you are onto something, but it needs to be much more easier to get it packaged.

The biggest concern I have with bookmarkletsc is that the code readability is completely messed up by the browsers to a grade where it “just sucks”.

Yes, I am a long way towards this.

I have a way to generate these packaged bookmarklets with one click.

Import this below package to tiddlywiki.com and open it, click on the link to install my reimagine tags package [prefix[$:/PSaT/reimagine-tags]] tiddler are installed and operate.

  • Clicking the link is equivalent to clicking a bookmarklet.
  • However the link can also be dragged and dropped into the bookmarks to apply to any wiki Reimagin Tags Bookmarklet v2.json (24.7 KB) Have a look at the fields in the tiddler Reimagin Tags Bookmarklet v2
  • I totally agree and have attempted to parse and interrogate it to make the javascript human readable.
  • We need it to be readable to avoid the sharing of negative content.