View tiddlers in Story River like a short video

This allows me to keep scrolling through every knowledge card in tiddlywiki without overloading my memory and tricking my brain into forcing it to memorize

I have wanted to achieve this effect a long time ago, but there are a few points that require additional processing. First, the height of the tiddler is uncertain, and secondly, the up and down sliding gestures of the short-view screen need to be implemented. Story River is indeed very similar to the form of short video, but in fact it is extremely cumbersome to complete this directly based on Story River, and there is not even any entry point. But what I am sure of is that he will have a separate layout

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while this is not a tiddlywiki solution, if all you need to do is scroll smoothly down the story river without interaction and your mouse has a “middle click” button (most do), you can achieve that on any website. just press the scroll wheel / middle click and then move the mouse up or down slightly to cause it to scroll slowly.

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Have a look at some of the presentation and slide show plugins they may come close.

Otherwise browser reading features or browser addons may do the job.

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@TW_Tones the slidehows I know of are based on tagged tiddlers. I especially like Tamasha 0.6.0 — presentation app by @Mohammad.
Still for the story river I think by @saqimtiaz would be better.

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