Very Looong "Recent" list

Hello all.

Well, I’ve been using TW for just under a week and I am amazed at how useful it has already become. I’m sticking everything in it from personal stuff to work stuff. I think I’m getting along with it quite well, so far, but I do have one thing that I’m wondering if there is a “hack” to solve…

I love tags. I use tags in any software that has it and OSes, TW is no exception. Already I have about 30 or so tags… I also have about 50 tiddlers, some link to other tiddlers and so in. Very useful. What I have noticed is that the “Recent” tab on the right is growing, not only are my tiddlers and journals in there but ALL of the tags that I have created are listed.

Is there a way to “tame” the Recent list to just show say only tiddlers and journals?

Many thanks for any help or advice…



If you open the recent sidebar tiddler $:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent it contains this
<$macrocall $name="timeline" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>

  • it is using the timeline macro documented here timeline Macro
    *You can add a subfilter
  • however it would be best to clone $:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent and make your own, changing the caption