Very early request for TiddlyWiki 6 (or whatever it gets called)

Hi guys

I looked to post this on the developer group, but it was on GitHub, and I am not Github-savvy. So I will post it here.

My requests for the next rehaul of TiddlyWiki would be two:

  1. Separate the viewtoolbar buttons and the title so they are separate sections with their own CSS and they are not tied to one another. At times I have experimented with changing the CSS of one and not the other, or moving the buttons so they are laid out vertically along the right side of tiddlers, but the intertwined CSS is a hassle.

  2. Make it way easier to add items to the TopBar menu. Like simply adding something there by adding a tag, and reordering the items there by changing the list field in $:/tags/TopBar. I can’t explain what I encountered because it has been a while, but I remember it was counterintuitive and difficult to figure out. In fact, I don’t think I ever figured it out successfully. All I remember wanting to do was to add a dropdown list to the topbar, and I couldn’t. Or maybe it was easy but since it wasn’t called topbar but menubar, which could be anything, I never figured it out. Anyway, it is very convoluted and opaque for users the way it is currently.

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Thanks @pmario ! I forgot there was a separate developer’s thread WITHIN this Talk TW. I thought there was a separate Talk TW just for developers and went looking for it.

No problem. – There has been a discussion about TWX some time ago. TW5+TW6 informal discussion

There are some more threads if we search for TWX here in the forum.

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Another reason to separate the title from the viewtoolbar is that long titles break sooner due to the interference of the buttons. Having the buttons above or below the title would let the title flow all the way to the right of the tiddler before breaking and continuing on the next line.